Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The boys were up around 8:30. After breakfast we watched a bulldozer video. The boys spent much of the morning playing with legos. The weather was in the upper 20's today and it lightly snowed on and off. After taking Jacob to school I headed to my OB Dr appointment. On the way we stopped at Jared's work to drop off Jacob's car seat (he picked him up from school today). Adam was excited to come to the appointment with me. Yesterday he watched me get my blood drawn and today I got 2 injections (Rhogam and H1N1). He was such a good boy. My mom met us there after my appointment and we drove to JCPenny's. Adam loved riding in the elevator to the upper level. Then we took him up and down on the escalators and he also loved that. From there we went to JoAnne Fabrics. Adam fell asleep on the drive to Nana's house. I quickly went inside to look at a blanket Mom had got for the baby. We got home around 6pm. Daddy and Jacob were building with legos. After dinner we watched the Cars movie. The boys played with legos during the movie.


Grandma R said...

Wooo...I got to see yellow bear. What a friend. It's cold at your house. Brrrr. We have cold also but I don't have a clue how cold. I am wearing my long winter coat.

mom s said...

I love the sleeping pictures of the boys. Soooooooo sweet.