Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jacob was up at 8:30 and asking right away to play with his legos. Adam, who was up several times last night, woke up around 9:30. Jacob played mostly with legos this morning but we also played with the train set, puzzles, automoblox, and they pretended to be policemen. We watched Sesame Street and Clifford. After lunch the boys sat at the counter and did some drawing. They also used their new craft scissors. They then played with their garbage trucks until Adam's nap time. Before tucking Adam in we read “Make Way for Ducklings.” Jacob sure knows if I miss a word or say road instead of street. Shortly after 3pm I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob and I played with legos. He followed the directions to build it while I helped find the pieces. Then he built a cherry picker. Jared got home around 5pm and Adam woke up soon after that. The boys and I made ornaments to hang on our tree. After dinner we headed into town. Jared needed cinnamon for the bread he’s making. We also walked around Kohl’s. The boys played with their garbage trucks until bathtime. We made bath paint which they had fun using in the tub. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:30.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Adam with his new hairdo and big smile.

mom s said...

The last comment was from me.

Melissa said...

Love Adam's hair too. Cute pictures.