Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The boys fell asleep after a busy day shopping.

I got up at 5:30. After exercising I went outside to take care of the animals. The boys woke up around 8:00. This was our last week to watch the kids at church. We had a good time there. It was very windy this morning. As we got in the car Jacob said, "Hurry Adam! It feels like there's gonna be a tornado!" Then we met Vikki at Salvation Army. While I'm getting Jacob out of his car seat Adam likes to cover his eyes and hide on us. I always pretend I can't find him and then say, "Wait, who's knee is this?" When I tickle him he uncovers his eyes and says, "Gen (again)!" Jacob laughed at Adam saying, "He's so cute." We had a fun day shopping. We also went into Tim Horton's for donuts and coffees. Jacob fell asleep in the car on the drive to Meijer. Vikki stayed in the van with the boys while I went in to get a few groceries. Adam was sitting in the front seat and waving at me when I came out. He told me all the things he had Aunt "Bippi" draw for him. Adam fell asleep on the drive home. He continued sleeping in his crib until 6:30. Jacob played at the counter with flour and some cars. After dinner we watched a new Baby Einstein dvd. The boys are really excited that Vikki is staying with us tonight. They were tucked in bed by 9pm. Now Vikki and I are going to watch a movie.


Vikki's Blog said...

Im so glad I got to spend the was so fun! I wish you could have gone to the Loons game with us, we missed you!!! Im glad Jared is back safe...have a good night!