Thursday, May 28, 2009

I got up to exercise shortly before 6am. The boys slept in until around 9:00. Adam crawled into my bed so I cuddled next to him. Then he sat on me and rolled off onto the bed. He laughed and said, “Do it gain! Ready, set, go!” Jacob played with his forklift and dominos. Then boys had fun running around the house with their balloons. They watched their tractor video during breakfast. Jacob played with all his new trucks and tractors. He said, “Mommy, I happy I got all these things. I’m four year old. I really am.” Adam played with his matchbox cars and then got out the tools. We watched the video from Jacob’s birthday and parties. Jacob played at the counter with the dominos, forklift, and backhoe until lunchtime. He let Adam play with the flatbed truck. Adam didn’t eat much for lunch. He hasn’t puked since last night but has had diarrhea. Around 1:00 we went outside. It was a cool day. The boys were excited to dig with their shovels. Then they collected rocks. Jacob pretended the rocks were fish or tadpoles (tiny rocks). At 2:30 we came inside for a snack. I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob drew and colored at the desk in his bedroom. He made a placemat for both Daddy and I to use during dinner. Later he made one for Aunt Bippi too. He also played with blocks and his forklift. After he was done resting he played at the counter with flour. Jared got home around 5pm. We went outside to take care of the animals. Adam was awake by the time we came back inside. After dinner we headed over to a car dealership. We stayed there until 9pm trying to work on a deal. The boys had fun looking at the cars in their lot. Jacob fell asleep on the drive home. When we got home Adam said, “We home! I had fun.” He pointed at Sammy in the paddock and said, “Sammy!” Then he saw Joe (our cat) and said, “Hi Joe.” After the boys were tucked in bed Jared played some Wii Sports. Then we watched this seasons last two episodes of Lost on the computer.


Melissa said...

Love that first picture of the boys on fence. Too cute!