Sunday, May 24, 2009

Watching the Indy 500.

Jacob's truck that sucks up "Ewe water."

Jacob (the backhoe) is filling Daddy (the dump truck) up with dirt.

Adam trying to blow spit bubbles.

I got up at 6am. After finishing my exercises I lay back in bed for a little while. Soon Jacob came in but he didn't lay with us for long. He played at the front of our bed and pretended to be an ice cream maker. He proped up pillows in the corner and made his ice cream shop. Then he was ready to sell us some ice cream cones. Adam went into a new class at church today, because he’s 2. He and Jacob are now in the same class. As we walked back he cried. Jacob wanted to hold Adam's hand but he just wanted me to carry him. Jacob raised his hand during class and told them how he’d fell and scraped his knee yesterday. Adam sat by me as the teacher taught their lesson. After a while he pulled my hand saying, “Mommy come play with me.” When the rest of the kids went to play then Adam didn't want to. During their playtime Jacob brought Adam some toys which he was having fun with. When I told him goodbye he started to cry but soon stopped. When we picked them up he was watching the teacher as he stood with one hand in his pocket. He was happy to see us and was also excited to show us his paper. He pointed at his name saying, “Name on dere!” Before leaving the boys had fun at the church playground. Adam like climbing up the high slide ladder saying, “kime up da ladder! Lide down.” He never did slide down but he liked catching Daddy at the bottom of the slide. Jacob had fun going down the slide. He also liked teeter tottering with Daddy. We stopped at meijer for a few groceries before going home. We had pizza for lunch. Jared was excited to watch the Indy 500 on tv. The boys played with their cars and the Little People car wash. Then we had fun building with foam blocks. Daddy may have had more fun than the boys. The channel that we were getting the race on we suddenly couldn’t get a signal for anymore – what a bummer. Around 2:30 I read some books with the boys and then tucked Adam in for a nap. While Jacob rested he drew on the dry erase board and also played with the dominos. Jared went outside to mow the lawn. I did a 30 min run. Jacob then showed me some exercises as he jumped on my bed singing an exercise song. We then went outside. Jacob and I worked on weeds in the flowerbed. He dug up a “big golden rock.” Daddy was spraying off the tractor and Jacob had him spray me with the hose. Jacob sure though it was funny when Daddy sprayed me. We got the rest our fencing finished. Adam woke up around 5:30. Jacob helped me water the garden. Adam played on the tractor. We went inside for dinner. Jared picked up grass with the lawn sweeper. After dinner the boys drew together on the dry erase board. They also had fun with the kitchen, shopping cart, and cash register. Jacob wanted me to call 911. He’d answer and I’d tell him that there was a fire. Then he’d say, “Ok, we’ll be there in a couple minutes.” Adam would pick up the phone and say, “911!” The boys played in the tub until pj time. After they were in bed I decorated cupcakes for tomorrow. Were going to a park for a cookout with Vikki, Rody, Kenzie, and maybe Grandpa too. Since Vikki’s back to work on Jacob’s birthday were going to celebrate with them tomorrow.