Monday, May 18, 2009

Adam's 2 years old!!!!

I stayed up late last night doing my morning exercises and wrapping Adam’s presents. Jared and I got up around 6:30. The boys were awake around 7:30. We put Adam’s presents out for him to see when he came into the living room. He first opened a Bruder truck. Jacob excitedly helped him open it and then cried, "Why don't I get that?" Jacob got to play with the truck while Adam opened a matchbox car. Then Jacob helped Adam open the kitchen. Adam had fun playing with the kitchen while Jacob played with the truck. Jacob balled up pieces of tissue paper to scoop into the dump truck. Nana called but Adam didn't want to talk (or listen) on the phone. The boys watched a Baby Einstein video. Jacob colored in his book while watching the video. Vikki arrived shortly before Grandma and Grandpa left around 9:00. Then Jared had to leave for work. Adam opened his gifts from Aunt “Bippi”. He and Jacob had fun with the wheel barrel, shovel and rake. The boys were excited to open fire truck videos and wanted to watch one right away. Adam also got a nice sweatshirt and $2. Mel called and I put them on speaker phone so they could sing to Adam. Max also talked to Adam which was cute. Jacob said, "I'm gonna have a birthday too." Aunt Missy talk on the phone to Jacob and he enjoyed that. Around 10:30 we went outside. The boys had some fun digging in the garden. Vikki treated us to drinks and donuts at Tim Horton's. She called the little area where we sat “the castle” which the boys liked. We had fun. Vikki made a sign for the back of our van that said, “Honk, Birthday boy on board.” A lady honked her horn as we were getting into the van and yelled Happy birthday to Jacob (Adam was already in the van.) Then Jacob yelled, “Adam is 2 years old!” We then made a quick stop at Salvation army. The boys stayed in the toy area the entire time. They had fun playing with the toys. Adam picked out a coffee maker to take home. Jacob was excited to find 4 penny’s. From there we headed over to the “wood park.” The boys ate their lunch on the train. They enjoyed watching the big tractor mowing the park yard. We had a fun time walking thru the fort. Then we played on the fire truck. Adam got off saying, “Needs gas.” He said to Vikki, “No what? I wuv you.” Jacob climbed on top of the fire truck, stood up, and yelled, “Anybody need me to put out any fires!” As Jacob climbed the tire ladder he said, “Look at me. I can climb on the tires!” Adam said, “I wanna climb on tires too.” As I followed Adam thru the fort he’d say, “Up here. Back down here. Over da bridge. This way.” When I told the boys it was time to leave, Adam asked, “One more minute?” We stayed and watched the tractor mowing for a little while. We got home shortly after 2pm. The boys dug in the garden with the rake and shovel. They worked on filling the wheel barrel and found some worms. I brought out some ice cream cones. Adam pointed at a big bee and said, “Bumblebee.” Soon Vikki had to go home. At 3pm I rocked Adam and then tucked him in for a nap. Jacob lay down in his bed and played with some trucks. I did a 30 min run. Jared got home around 4:30 and we got Adam up. We all went outside. Jacob was feeling sad because Adam wanted a turn with his new shovel. Daddy took Jacob up to the sandhill for a short time to dig with the Bruder truck. Adam pointed at his kite and asked, “Pleeease?” We flew the kite until it was time to leave for dinner. Adam liked watching it but didn’t want to hold it. Jacob liked holding the kite as it flew up high above him. At 5:30 we headed to a McDonalds near my Mom and Dad’s house. The boys fell asleep on the drive there. Nana and Papa joined us for dinner. Jacob excitedly told Nana all about our day. He likes to tell people that Adam is 2 years old and also that Adam shares with him. Jacob did some great excitement dances as he played. He also liked to give us lots of thumb’s ups. We all had a great time. Adam didn’t want to climb up to the top but did enjoy climbing about halfway. He also had fun playing with the basketball. Jacob asked Nana to climb up to the top and she went down the slide with him. We headed home around 7:30. Stopped at a couple dealerships on the way. We didn’t think the one place had any crashed cars but Jacob spotted it and had us drive back to check it out. Jacob got a book and a Highlights puzzle buzz in the mail. At home he and Daddy looked thru and read them. Adam had fun playing with his new things. Then the boys had a great time running around the house with the balloons. They were tucked in bed by 9:30.


uncle dee said...

What a wonderful birthday! You folks in Michigan sure know how to celebrate!

More blue icing, too!!

I love Adam's shirt.

(Of course, I do not understand how Adam can already be TWO YEARS old, since your wedding was only last summer. Or so it seems.)

I am also waiting for some of these wooden structures to be built at RockinRFarm. Wouldn't that be a good project, Jared and Kimmy?

Kimmy said...

Hummm. Jared will have to start some plans:)