Monday, May 11, 2009

Jared left for work around 6:30. He is working out of town until Thursday. Jacob slept until 8:30. He cuddled with me for a little while and then asked to type on the computer. Adam woke up shortly after 9:00. He wanted me to make a tent over his crib using his blanket. Then Jacob asked to go in too. They pretended they were in a fire truck and kept spraying me with their hoses. We watched Baby Einstein. After breakfast the boys got out their banks. We spread out their blankets to dump the coin out on. This morning I went down into the crawlspace to pack away some bags of kid’s clothes. I don’t really like going down there but I was just going to pack away some bags that Mel gave me. Then I realized why Jared has such a hard time finding anything down there. He had all 30+ garbage bags of clothes just piled all together. I have them all tagged with sizes and summer/winter but you could even see the tags. I sorted through them and lined them up starting with NB size up to 5T. Hopefully Jared will have an easier time down there now when I ask him to find a bag for me. Jacob liked playing in the sand down there. Adam played down there some but also had fun with a basketball hoop toy in my bedroom. I finished with that around lunchtime. After lunch we went outside. The boys played in the barn for a little while and then we played in the sand. Jacob likes to make roads by dragging the caution cone. The he pushes his trucks and tractors on the road. Adam liked playing with the sand (watering) can. He asked me to take off his shoes and socks. Jacob said, “I don’t want my socks off. I don’t think thats bery good for my feet.” When I told the boys it was time to go inside Adam asked, “One more minute please?” It was 3pm we came inside for a snack. While they ate their snack Jacob said, “Mommy, You know what? I had a dream when I was sleeping.” When I asked about his dream he said, “Hug you and loving you forever.” After reading books I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob watched his tractor video while resting. Then he played with cars and dominoes at the counter. Jacob got to talk to Daddy on the phone. He excitedly told Daddy that Grandma and Grandpa were coming here this weekend. We went outside to take care of the animals. Adam woke up just before dinnertime. During dinner both boys scooted their chairs as close as they could to me. It was so sweet. After dinner we went back outside. We had fun playing in the hayloft. Jacob liked showing me where all the rooms were in his “house”. He showed us where our beds were and then we pretended to go to sleep. Adam said, “Eat Mommy?” He likes me to pretend the food (hay) is too hot so he can stick it in the freezer and then set the timer. The boys had fun jumping off a hay bale. After Adam would jump (take one big step) he’d run back saying, “Do it gain!” The boys picked lilacs and we took them inside to put in vases. I folded and put away laundry. Then the boys played in the tub until pj time. After his bath Adam ran out in his robe saying, “See Daddy!” He came back when he realized that Daddy wasn’t home. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. I watched 24.


Jared (Mr. Traveling Man) said...

Hi Love,

Thanks for posting the pictures. Can't wait to crawl around in the crawl space. Organization...what a novel idea. Love you.

uncle dee said...

I am glad to be back with a computer that has more than a dial-up connection so that I can see all your pictures.

I am glad that Mr. Traveling Man has already responded because the question that came to my mind was "Why did the guy not store the bags so the tags could be seen easily?"

Introduce new ideas -- such as organization -- gradually, Kimmy.

Mother L Russell said...

A few men like to be helped. Makes them make other people feel needed. I don't need to feel needed. But help anyways.