Thursday, May 21, 2009

I was up around 6am. Jacob woke up shortly after 7:00. He lay in bed for a while before coming out to ask if he could type on the computer. Adam was up by 8:30. As I lay him on the changing table he whined, “No change me.” When we came out I noticed Jacob had set two bowls, the milk, and the cheerios box on the counter. He said, “I thought you was busy, so I helped you.” The boys watched the fire truck video while they ate breakfast. As I was putting in the video Adam said, “Trumen wikes (likes) fire trucks.” I drank my coffee on the deck while the boys played. Adam ran around saying he was doing exercises. Jacob then asked for an egg carton saying, “I wanna go rock collecting.” We went inside to get a couple cartons and also to get the boys dressed for the day. They sure had fun finding rocks to put in their cartons. Then we took a walk up to the sand hill. We didn’t stay up there for very long because it was very windy. I sprayed off the toys and then the boys had fun playing with the hose. They sure got wet spraying each other and had a great time. Jacob asked me to change the nozzle to a different position saying, “Mommy I want this on a different service, please.” I pulled weeds and grass from our day lillie flower bed. Around 12:30 we headed inside for lunch. We pretended to be a train as we walked to the house. Jacob likes to drive the train. He doesn’t just join in walking, he liked to back on and make a hooking train sound. Adam rode on the train backwards. Before going inside I took off the boy’s wet clothes. They ran around the house yelling, “naked boys, naked boys!” After lunch they made a fire truck out of their toys and pretended to be firemen. They said that Truman was their firedog. We went outside on the back deck for a little while. I did a 30 min run out there. We came inside for a snack. After reading books I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob rested while playing with his automoblox and foam blocks. Then Jacob played at the counter with flour and some cars. He and I went out on the deck for a little while but came in because of all the hornets out there. Adam woke up around 5pm. They went in our bedroom and played in the corner above our bed. Jacob told me they were ice cream makers as they sold me some ice cream cones. Then Jacob told me they were all out of cones, but they did have bowls. Jared got home around 6pm after making a few stops on the way home. He sprayed for hornets on the deck. After dinner the boys played with their cars. Jacob got out the car mat saying, “Look I got the car mat out all by myself, for Adam, and me to play with.” We went outside this evening to work on fencing. The boys played on the tractor. They pretended to be fishing with sticks as they stood in the cart behind the tractor. It was shortly after 9pm when we came inside.


uncle dee said...

I think the time has come to scan some old photos of little Doug and Rick and put them next to some of these of your two boys. I recall one with the two of them in sunsuits that would go along with these of the two with the hose . . . (I don't think Adam looks like Rick, but we all know about the resemblance between Jacob and his grandfather . . .)

Melissa said...

Love the pictures of the kids spraying the hose.