Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July 2009

Jacob showing his car to the "Bully". This boys drew a chalk line and told the kids not to come over it.

Playing with Hailey's toys.
Watching the skydivers.

Watching fireworks.

I brought Adam our bed early this morning. He slept there until 8:00 when Jacob joined us. We all cuddled in bed for a while. When they boys saw Nana they asked her to come in bed with us. Around 9:00 we headed home. After taking care of the animals we went to town for drinks and donuts. The boys talked a lot with the “ATM lady” this morning. As I was about to go into Dunken Donuts Adam said, “I wanna big donut!” We visited several stores. Jacob pointed at the gulls in the parking lot saying, “There’s Ring-billed gulls!” Adam fed them the rest of his donut. Jared and I got some new fold up chairs. We got home around 1pm and the boys ate a late lunch. I worked on unpacking and repacking the van for tonight. Daddy tucked the boys in for nap/resting time. I did a 1hr run while Jared fed the animals. For this evenings dinner we packed sandwiches, pretzels, and drinks in the cooler. At 4:00 we woke Adam and headed over to where we watch the firework display each year. After Jacob drew on the doodle pro he'd hand it to us saying, “You wanna hold it?” Due to the leaving traffic we parked about 1 mile away. Dad and Kenzie drove by on the motorcycle and joined us on our walk. Mel and her family had got there just before we did. Vikki, Rody, and Kenzie sat a little ways down from us because they wanted to sit where the ashes fall. The weather was partly cloudy and in the 70’s. The kids sure had fun playing together. They found dome dirt by a near building so they played with their toys in it. We ate our packed dinner on the blanket. Soon Mom was there too. When the weather cooled down Jack sat on her lap and kept her warm. The kids enjoyed when Aunt “Bippi”, Uncle Rody, and Kenzie came down to visit with us. Jared, the boys, and I took a walk along the river. It was fun to see all the boats in the water. We got to watch the drawbridge go up for a sailboat. The boys played on the bleachers. We came back and got to watch a couple skydivers jump from a plane. As it got darker Mel got out the light up toys for the kids to play with. We’d forgot our so Hailey and Max shared theirs with the boys. Max put his up to his ear and said it sounded like a tractor. Jacob put one on his head and pretended to be a fire truck. The kids and I pretended to be a train as we lined up and walked the sidewalk making train sounds. Papa bought Hailey another light up toy and she shared that with the boys too. Once the fireworks started Jacob wanted to sit in his chair to watch. Adam took turns sitting on Daddy, Nana, or my lap. We sure enjoyed listening to Jacob’s excitement over them. When Jacob asked me which ones were my favorite I told him I liked the sparkly ones the best. He whispered (by putting his cheek right next to mine), “My favorite are the green ones.” Then Adam said, “My favorite are a sparkly ones.” Jacob went over to give Uncle Bruce a hug and told him he loved him. He asked Mel and Max which one’s their favorite were. Max said he liked the spider ones (many left spoke in the shape of a spider.) Hailey sat on my lap for a while. When Jacob told me he liked sixteen of them Hailey said that she liked a cazillion. Jacob moved his chair over by Nana for the last of them. The firework display was great and we all had lots of fun. We walked quickly thru the busy crowd back to our car. Changed the boys in their pj and were headed home. Both boys fell asleep on the drive home. We got home at 11:45.


Grandma R said...

The Bully looks like something big to deal with. What a face.

mom s said...

You took nice pictures of our fun time. Jacob is such a sweetie, even to a bully.

Melissa said...

Great pictures. Love the one of Jacob and Hailey hugging. The family pictures are nice too.