Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 11

I got up at 6:00 and the kids were awake around 8:30. After breakfast Nana, the boys, and I went on a bike ride. Kenzie went to the playground. We then changed into our suits and went swimming. The pool was empty and we had it to ourselves for about an hour. Kenzie came as we were getting out and asked if she could go swimming. I stayed so her and Jacob could swim. Nana took Adam to get an ice cream cone. We went back around noon for lunch. After lunch I packed the van. Mom and I took a walk while the boys rode their bikes to the playground. The boys and I headed home around 2pm. Jacob and Adam fell asleep on the drive and they continued sleeping in their beds at home. I took a pregnancy test that showed positive almost immediately. I was very excited and could hardly wait to tell Jared when he came home from work. I did a 1 hr run. Jared got home around 5pm. He was very excited when I told him the news. We cuddled on the couch and talked about our baby #3. Jared took care of the animals. I woke up the boys and got dinner ready. Before dinner Daddy told the boys that Mommy was going to have a baby. They smiled and seemed excited, especially Jacob who understands more. Daddy left at 6pm for work out of town and will be back tomorrow. The boys ate superman ice cream. The rest of the evening Jacob kept asking, “What’s baby saying?” He likes when I tell him what the baby thinks of his hugs, kisses or other kind acts. At snacktime the boys put cheerios on my belly for the baby. I tucked them in bed around 9:30. Jacob grabbed his throat and said, “Mommy, I got a bug in my throat.” He made up a song about the people he loves and included the new baby. Then he again asked, “What’s baby saying?”


mom s said...

How precious. Tell Jacob thank you for the phone call. Too cute!
Great message too!
Don't you mean to write babies 3 and 4....Love ya and so happy for you.

Mom R said...

Mom s is's three and four and all girls. I tend to believe my kids. The pressure is on you know. How does Jacob feel about sisters?

Kimmy said...

Jacob says he wants a brother.

Melissa said...

Very cute how Jacob always asks what the baby is saying. Love that picture of the boys hugging in the tub.

Melissa said...

Very cute how Jacob always asks what the baby is saying. Love that picture of the boys hugging in the tub.