Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Watching Jacob on the swing.

Being silly for the camera.

After exercising I lay down in bed until 9:00 when Jacob came in the bedroom. He pretended to make me ice cream on waffle cones with my favorite playdoh flavor. Adam was soon awake. The boys wanted to play with moon sand before eating breakfast. After a little time playing with that they ate cheerios and toast while watching the tractor video. They sat on the counter and watched me cut up bananas and put them on the dehydrator. They liked getting and peeling bananas for me. The boys drew pictures for Nana, who is coming over today. Jacob wrapped his in his blanket and hid it behind his bedroom door. Nana, Kenzie, and Sidney (Kenzie’s friend) came over for a visit. After lunch we went outside and I saddled up Sammy to ride. I rode first and then the girls took turns riding. Nana got to go for a ride after they were done. The boys played on the swing set/fort. After a long while riding the girls gave Sammy a bath. First they changed into their swimming suits. Sammy sure enjoyed all the scrubbing and loved being sprayed. Adam got a turn spraying Sammy and then he turned the hose on the girls. Mom and I picked the rhubarb. While I watched the girls with Sammy Mom went inside and cut up all the rhubarb. We now got a couple bags of it stored in the freezer. The girls took a long shower after coming inside to get all the soap off themselves. Then we had ice cream. Mom and I looked at the pictures of our camping trip from her camera on our tv. Mom and the girls left around 4pm. I read with the boys and then tucked Adam in for a late nap. Jacob rested while playing in his bedroom. He built a wall out of the dominos and also had fun playing with his cars. Then he drew on paper at his desk. He brought one of his drawings out to me and said, “That’s for the baby when him comes out.” When asked if he wants a brother or a sister he says, “I want a baby brother.” Jared didn’t get home from work until around 6pm. Adam woke up soon after that. After dinner we went outside. I worked on weeding the flowerbeds. The boys played while Jared worked on organizing the barn garage. Then we hung out by the swing set until around 9pm when we went inside. Jacob loves to be pushed really high while swinging.