Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 7

I was up at 6am to do my exercises. After finishing those I lie back down in bed and fell asleep. Jacob came into the bedroom saying, “I really wanna go camping.” He was really happy when we told him we were going back to the campground today. When Jacob heard Adam was awake he hurried to his bedroom to play with him. We’d slept in until 10:00. After breakfast the boys played with their tools and said they were fixing my door. I did laundry and repacked some things for camping. After lunch we went to Tim Horton’s, meijer, and TSC. We made a stop back at home to set a live trap before heading to the campground. On the drive there Adam burped really loudly and then said, “Wow!” Jacob sang a song that went, “I’m up early, I’m up early… We need to go quick, We need to go quick…” Nana got to camp soon after we did. We took the boys and Kenzie to swim at the beach. Mom and Vikki came down too. The boys, Kenzie, and Daddy sure had fun in the cold water. Mel and her family drove by so Mom left to go greet them. We were at the beach for a couple hours. On our walk back to our campsite we saw Mel. She said that they were going to go swimming at the outdoor pool. We decided to go there also. The kids sure had a great time. Max and Hailey also learned how to swim using just their swimmies. Max likes jumping off the edge of the pool. After about an hour I went back to the camper to do my exercises. Adam came with me and rested on the couch. He was really excited when Jack came in the camper. He kept saying, “Hi Jack..” Adam shared his green dog with him and talked so cute with him. He gave Jack lots of hugs. After dinner we went down for ice cream cones but the place had just closed. We took the paddleboats out on the pond. Jacob and Adam took turns sitting between us to steer the boat while Jared and I pedaled. After awhile Vikki and Kenzie brought Adam on their boat. After they took their boat under the fountain Adam was ready to get back in our boat. We sure had fun. I gave Hailey and Jack a ride back to camp in the bike cart. Hailey sure had Jack giggling. Then Jared took my bike and went to see if any of the boys wanted a ride. Only Max did so Uncle Jared took him on a long ride around the campground. Adam was having fun riding on Aunt “Bippi’s” shoulders and Jacob was walking backwards. This evening the kids had fun riding their bikes. Max shared his bike and let Jacob have turns riding on it. We visited in the screen tent while the kids played in the dirt. The neighbor set off some small fireworks which the kids really liked watching. Since we hadn’t built a fire we made smore using the microwave. Mel and her family headed home around 11:00. We were in bed shortly after that.


Eric said...

Look a white whale in the lake...oh wait thats just jared.

Melissa said...

Love those pictures of all of us on the paddle boats. Very cute one of Jack in his life jacket.

Melissa said...

Also love the ones of Jacob holding Jack. He's so sweet with Jack.

Melissa said...

Oh, and the ones of Hailey and Jack in the bike trailer too. And the ones of Adam in the sand/mud. I just love them all.

mom s said...

I love them all too!