Friday, June 5, 2009

Adam held his little flower like this for a while. Most the time he had both hands up by his face.
Jacob racing cars down his legs.

Parking the train in the shed (under the pillow).

Jacob house.

Drawing his map.

I got up to exercise at 6:00. Jacob woke up around 7:45 and soon Adam was up too. Before breakfast the boys played with the soft cars set. Jacob was excited when Adam chose to watch the tractor video this morning. After breakfast the boys sat by me on the couch as I was looking at a picture book. Adam’s hair was getting in his eyes so I trimmed it a little. We got ready for the day and then went outside around 10:00. Adam played on the small front deck and Jacob played with his tricycle. Then the boys hauled some more water over to their sandbox. Sammy came up to the gate and was ready for his grain. I lead him to the round pen to feed him. I sprayed out my tack container for horse brushes and things. Then the boys played with the hose. They sure like spraying the molehills. I also picked some weeds from the flowerbeds. We took a walk down the road. Well, I walked pulling the boys in the wagon. They collected more rocks. On the way home they got out of the wagon to throw rocks into the ditch. Every time Adam would miss the water he’d say, “Nope” and get another rock to try again. When he’d hit the water he’d clap his hands proudly. We went inside for lunch. After lunch the boys played with the soft cars and soft train set. Then we went outside on the back deck. Adam played with the ride on pickup truck. Jacob made a house out of chairs, pillows, blankets, and some other things. He found some things to put on the shelf in his house. Then he lay in there and played the matching game on his camera. I did a 30 min run. The boys ate their snack before we came inside to read books. I tucked Adam in for a nap around 2:30. It took about an hour before he stopped talking and fell asleep. While Jacob rested he spent most of the time drawing at his desk with markers. He drew a nice map and told me where everyone’s houses were on his map. Jacob sat on my lap and we watched videos from Mel’s blog. Then we went outside on the deck again. Jacob made another house and played in that. He also had fun driving the truck around and pretended to deliver mail. Jared got home around 4:45. He wasn’t feeling well so he lay in the sun on the deck with Jacob played. I fed Sammy his grain and also gave him his medicine. I woke Adam up at 5:30. He played on the deck until I had dinner ready. After dinner the boys played with the bruder vehicles. We then went outside to take care of the animals. The boys (and their cousins) are in a fishing contest tomorrow so we got out all our fishing stuff. I cleaned out the van and then pack it for tomorrow. Jared got the fishing stuff ready. The boys liked looking thru the tackle box with Daddy. Daddy played some Mario Kart. Then the boys played in the tub until pj time. As I tucked Jacob in bed he clapped his hand and said he was excited about fishing tomorrow.


Melissa said...

Love that picture of Adam holding the flower up by his cheek. So cute.