Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I was up at 6am. Jacob woke up shortly before 7:00 but lay in bed until 8am. He and I cut out the dominos game from his High Five magazine and had fun playing that. Adam slept in until 9:00. Jacob was excited when he peeked in Adam's bedroom and saw that he was awake. We watched the fire truck video during breakfast. Jacob was getting dressed when Adam told me, “Him puttin clothes on by himself, un-ware (underwear) too.” Adam wanted to try and dress himself also this morning. He lay his shirt on the floor just like Jacob does. With as little help from me as possible he got dressed this morning. We went outside on the deck for a while. Out there I drank my cup of coffee while the boys played. Then we went around to the front yard. The boys blew bubbles and played while I worked on hoeing the garden. We came inside for lunch. After eating we went back outside. The boys had a great time playing in the pool. I finished hoeing the garden. After I was done with that I got in the little pool with the boys. Then I did a 30 min run. The boys thought it was funny to spray me with the hose while I was running. We came inside at 2:30. The boys ate their snack while I read them some books. Adam took a 3 hr nap. Jacob played his memory game. Then he played with his Bruder vehicles and blocks. After he was done resting we played together with dominos and matchbox cars. He built a parking lot using the dominos. I let Truman and Kate outside while I helped Jacob with his shoes. Kate was at the door and ran inside as we went out. I couldn’t find Truman. I search and called for quite a while before finding him walking down the road with our neighbors. Jared got home shortly after 5pm. We took care of the animals. I woke Adam up just before dinnertime. During dinner Truman ate a piece of food from Adam’s chair, right between his legs. Adam laughed and said to me, “Truman ate dat on chair. Tell Daddy dat.” The boys played with dominos and cars. This evening we took a trip into town to get a scale for weighing the bigger chickens. When we got home we weighed the 7 chickens in our fridge and then packed them in the freezer. They all weighed between 6-7.5 lbs. This evening at pj time Daddy was laying on the floor when Adam came and lay on top of him. He asked to be changed "on him." I changed his diaper and put on his pjs there on Daddy.

Kenzie posted! Check out her blog.


Melissa said...

Adam sure is saying some long sentences now. I can't wait to have him spend the night Thursday. Hailey is excited too. And Max is really excited to get to spend the night with Jacob.