Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here is a picture of the boat we saw.

Jacob woke up shortly before 7am. He lay in bed for awhile and then came out to play on the couch with his cars while I finished my exercises. The boys watched the tractor video during breakfast. At church today Adam started crying as we walked back to his new class. I stayed with him until the lesson was done and the kids were playing. He was excited to put his offering in the tube. Once he was playing I told him goodbye and that I be back soon to get him. He started crying but stopped soon after I left the room. The boys sure were excited when we came to get them. They showed us their papers and then told Miss Emma (their teacher) goodbye. We stopped at meijer for a few groceries before going home. We had pizza for lunch. After lunch we headed to Matt's (my cousin) graduation party. We got there around 2pm. Mom, Dad, and Grandpa were already there. Soon Vikki, Rody, and Kenzie arrived also. We had a nice time visiting with family. Adam sure loves fruit and enjoyed eating Nana's bowl of fruit (that Papa gave to him). Papa got Jacob a piece of cake. Adam also had a piece of cake and he got red frosting all over himself. We left around 3:30. Before going home we went for a walk around the village and thru a few of the shops. In the middle of the village is a water fountain and waterfall. The waterfall leads right down into the river. Jacob sure was excited when he saw the large waterfall. We walked the bridge over the river. Jacob's excitement about the waterfall was just too cute. From there we took a drive over the wooden bridge. We then drove down main street and visited the toy store and kite store. We all had fun in that store. On the drive home we were going over a large bridge on the express way when Jared noticed a huge boat going down the river. We saw a road that looked like it would take us to the river so we got off at the next exit. We drove some country roads that did take us to the river. Once we'd drove a ways past the boat we all got out to stand by the edge of the river and wait for it to go past us. The boat reminded me of the huge orr boats we see in Copper Harbor so it was pretty awesome. It was a Canadian boat that Jared said is used for hauling grain. It was neat enough to stand so close as this huge boat passed by us but then the captian honked his horn for the boys and then also stepped out to wave at us. I thought that was really kind of him. The boys sure were excited as they talked about it on the drive home. We got home around 6:30. After taking care of the animals we went inside to eat a late dinner. Jacob was ready for dinner. Lately likes to say things like, "My belly is saying, I'm hungry, I'm hungry." This evening the boys had fun playing with their foam blocks and some of their Bruder vehicles. When it was time for the boys to brush their teeth they each got a ride to the bathroom on Daddy's back. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.


uncle dee said...

Nice Sunday.

I am glad that you are a mother who stays for bit with her child who is making a transition; leaves -- but listens to be assured that his crying does stop. His crying is as much a sign to Mommmy that he loves her as it is a sign that he is concerned about being left in a new place. Some mothers are not as wise as you are . . .

I'll bet Kat and Kristen and Lela have a lot of stories about mothers leaving children in classes, too.

mom s said...

I'm glad the boys got to see that big ship. How nice that the captain honked and waved at the boys. I wish I could have seen Jacob when he saw the waterfall. I love it when he gets so excited.