Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy boy early this morning.

Boys making silly faces during breakfast.

Adam asked to lick the butter knife.

Checking out Kenzie's finds from the water.

Looking at a snail.

Adam holding it.

Kenzie went out to get more tadepoles. The boys looking at all the snails.

Kenzie came back in with a crayfish (she came in saying she found a lobster:)

Ice cream treat.
Jacob's silly camera face.

Tonight this is how we found Kenzie and Truman.

Adam woke up shortly after 6am calling for Daddy. Daddy rocked him for a while. I was holding Adam when Daddy gave us a hug goodbye, before leaving for work. As he went to walk out the door Adam said, “Daddy give me a hug too.” He wanted his own hug. Adam and I waved goodbye as Daddy drove past the window. Adam seemed dissapointed after he was past but he sure was excited when Daddy backed up to wave at us again. He said, “Daddy backed up, our home!” Adam sat on the bed with the dogs while I did one of my morning exercises. Then I tucked him back in his crib. I don't think he ever did go back to sleep. All the kids were up around 8am. Kenzie and Jacob came to lay in my bed and I went to get Adam. Adam was walking on his socks and said, “I walking on my socks.” He was very excited to see Kenzie was here. Adam made me pancakes on his play kitchen stove. The kids watched Baby Einstein during breakfast. After breakfast we went outside to take care of some chicken problems with the broilers. The small group is pecking at each other and so far 3 have died. Kenzie and I moved this group of broilers out to the paddock with the goats and sheep. We stayed outside until 11:00. Kenzie and Jacob played in their house in the hay loft. Adam dug in the sand while I worked in the garden. Kenzie put on the water boots and went searching for tadpoles in the water. She brought her container inside so we could look at the things she found. She found some snails, tadpoles, and other bugs. I gave her some plastic cups and she sorted the things found. After lunch the kids enjoyed some ice cream. Then Kenzie went outside to look for more things in the water. She came back inside excitedly saying she'd found a lobster. It was actually a crayfish. At 2:00 we read books. I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob, Kenzie, and I went outside to take care of the chicken again. The hurt ones were still being pecked so we had to find a place for them. After coming back inside Kenzie and Jacob had a good time looking at their water creatures. They counted 22 tadpoles. Jacob liked catching the tadpoles with a plastic cup. He said, “I so cited!” I did some writing in the boys baby books. Then we went back outside. Kenzie and Jacob had a great time getting each other wet with the hose. They made a water slide but Jacob didn’t want to go down it. There sure was a lot of laughing going on. I did a 30 min run while watching them play. Then we hosed down Sammy. He stood very still and really seemed to enjoy it. Jared got home around 4:30. He had picked up some pine tar to put on the wounded chickens so that the aggressive chickens wouldn't peck them. Hopefully it works. At 5pm I left to meet Vikki at Salvation Army. Today’s sale was 5 for $5. Vikki and I had fun shopping and found some nice clothes. We got back home around 8pm. Jared said Kenzie made spagetti for their dinner. The boys were excited to see us. I ate a late dinner. We watched the hockey game this evening. Adam was tucked in bed by 9:30. Jacob stayed up later and watched most of the game with us. Vikki and Kenzie headed home after the game was over.


mom s said...

I like the expressions on the faces as they look at their critters. I also like the ice cream eating picture. Yummy! I am praying for your chickens to do good.

The Daddy said...

hey Jared....

uncle dee said...

Great expressions and some wonderful exploring. Now you need to find a good New Orleans restaurant (do they have any in Michigan?) so the boys can eat some crayfish!

Melissa said...

Catching tadpoles and other critters in the water sounds like fun. We'll have to do that with the kids sometime when we come over. I don't think Hailey and Max have ever seen a tadpole yet. I used to love catching them when I was a kid.

Kimmy said...

Never heard of a New Orleans restaurant. Not sure if there is one in Mi. Eat crayfish? Sounds nasty to me.