Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This spin ride was their favorite.

Driving in the front seat while in Nana's driveway.

Fishing at the park.

Jacob woke up at 6:30am. He lay in bed until around 8:00. Adam chose the fire truck video to watch during breakfast. The boys had doctor appointments at 10:00 so we left for that soon after getting ready for the day. Jacob was really excited about the appointment because he was looking forward to playing with all the toys in their waiting room. The boys had a good time playing while we waited. Both boys did great during their exams. Jacob first got measured and weighed. He weighed 38.5# (50 percentile) and his height is 41” (75). Next they did his eye and hearing exam. He had fun and did great for both of those exams. After them he said, “I’m doing great!” The boys entertained themselves while we waited to see the doctor. They pretended to be cars as they drove around the room. Jacob also did great for his exam with the doctor. He seemed like such a big boy standing there in front of the doctor as he was checked over. Next was Adam’s appointment with the PA. He sat on my lap during the exam and did really good. He stood on the scale to be weighed with some hesitation and also stood by the wall to be measured. His weight was 30.9# (75) and height was 35.3” (75). Neither of the boys cried at all until it was time for Jacob to sit on the table for his shots, then Jacob started crying. He had to get 4 shots (separate – 2 in each arm). Afterwards we stayed in the room and I comforted him for a little while. He wanted to call Daddy at work and left a message on his machine. Adam looked at him and said, “Awh.” Jacob was excited when he got to go back with the nurse to pick out a price. He picked a slinky, soccer pencil, and some stickers. Adam got a book and a sticker. Both boys got to pick out a sucker. In the waiting room of the office next to the office we were in was a big salt water fish tank. We went in there to look at the fish in their tank. We left around noon and headed over to a nearby playground. The firestation next to the playground had out all their rescue vehicles, fire trucks, and ladder trucks and the boys liked seeing those. Soon Mom met us there and we ate a packed lunch. Papa also drove by and said hi to the boys. We had a nice time. Around 1:30 we left and headed over to Mom’s house. Mom went to Mel’s house to watch her kids. Adam fell asleep on the drive to Mom’s. Jacob played in the sandbox while Adam got about a 30 min nap. Then we went inside and the boys played in the basement. I did a 30 min run down there. Then I re-organized the kids play area. The boys hid in Nana’s bedroom when she got there. We tried to hurry outside to see Kenzie get off the bus but she walked thru the door as I was getting the boys shoes on. We met Jared at a park to do some fishing. Kenzie and Mom came too. It was such a beautiful, cool evening. The little fish were biting like crazy. When the hook was right above the water they would jump and get caught. It sure was fun. The boys were excited when we told them we were going out to dinner at Fazoli’s. During dinner Daddy asked the boys about their day. Jacob told him about the fish tank at the doctor's office and said, "There was a blue fish. It was massive!" We got home around 7pm. The boys played in the barn while we took care of the animals. Inside Jacob gave Adam a “hay ride” by pulling him in the cart behind his ride on tractor. They were very tired so we tucked them in bed around 8:15. I gave Jared a haircut.


Melissa said...

Yesterday, Hailey had a playdate with some friends from school and that's the same park we went to. Except when we were there, there was water all around the merry-go-rounds. The kids all took their shoes off and played on them anyway. They all got pretty wet. It was funny to watch. We'll have to meet there sometime this summer when they open the little pool with the fountain. The kids would love that.

mom s said...

Your fishing pictures turned out nice. Thanks for rearranging the play area in the basement. I like it so much better.