Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day 2009

Adam came walking out of Jacob's bedroom with a marker saying, "I pine a pumper."

I got up at 6am to exercise. Jacob woke up at 8:00, soon followed by Kenzie, Daddy, and Adam. The kids told Daddy Happy Fathers Day and were excited to show him the cards they’d made. When Daddy mentioned that he wondered if Jacob could hide a gift better than Mommy Adam came walking over holding his gift. Jacob hurried and hid it again. Daddy searched the bedrooms and then the living room. With help from the boys, he found it hidden between the couch and the coffee table. The kids were excited as they watched him open his new pingpong paddle. We surprised my Dad and came to their church today. The boys sat by us during the service. They colored and did a good job being quiet out there. After church we went to Mom’s house. She made sloppy jo’s, potato salad, hot dogs, and baked beans for lunch. While dinner was being made the kids played with the road set that Vikki found at a garage sale. Its really neat and Mel and I were making offers to buy it. After eating Dad opened his Father’s Day gifts. Then he and Jared went downstairs to play pingpong. I took the kids down there to play. Shortly after 2:00 I read with Adam and then lay him down for a nap. Mel put Jack and Max down for naps also. Kenzie, Jared, Mom, and Hailey, and Jacob went for a swim. Jacob spent all his time on the ladder. I went inside to check on Adam and found that he was still awake. I asked him if he wanted to swim and he excitedly said, “Uh huh!” He didn’t want to go in the pool water so we tried the boat. Most of the time in that he whinned, “I want out.” Nana got a neat sprinkler that the kids had fun playing in. Around 4pm we headed over to Grandpa’s house. While we were all in the screened porch we watched a turkey take a dust bath in his garden. Papa and Nana had drove over on their motorcycle. Papa tried to sit Adam on it but he didn’t want to. Jacob didn’t want to either. They did liked listening to him start it up and beep the horn. I tried on the helmet and gloves, which they thought was funny. We stopped at Mom’s on the way home to pick up the Vibe. As we were driving in the van Adam counted from 1-11 slowly and perfectly many times. Sometimes he would say a 1 instead of 4 but most the times he got it right. Of course when I tried to video tape it he wouldn’t cooperate. We stopped at Home Depot for some things for the chicken tractor. The boys sat in one of their car carts. I noticed Jacob pulling gum off a napkin that was in the cart - gross. The gum was also on Adam's foot (he had bare feet). We got home at 7pm and ate a late dinner. After I was done eating Adam asked, "You all done eating? You full?" This evening the boys took their bath's separately. Adam was first. He prefers Jacob being in the tub with him but didn have fun giving the Little People baths. Jacob enjoyed being in the tub by himself. After the boys were tucked in bed Jared went outside to work on the chicken tractor.


The Daddy said...

So did the new pingpong paddle help jared win any games?

uncle dee said...

The water play looks SO REFRESHING!! We continue to have temps near 100 degrees -- sometimes over -- and humidity of 200 per cent. Or something close to that. It is really uncomfortable away from AC. A sprinkler and a kid pool would be very welcome.

Melissa said...

Adam was counting to 11 perfectly every time he counted when we played hide and seek while he was spending the night at our house. I think I might have got some videos. I'll have to check my camera and see. It was really cute how he would count as he walked to come find us and then he'd laugh really hard when he did find us.