Monday, June 8, 2009

The boys house.

Trimming their toenails with the magnetic clips.
Jacob wanted me to take a picture of his semi hauling a snowplow truck.

Jacob pulling his trailer.

Hey Jacob, you lost something.

Trip to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Jacob woke up at 8:30. Adam slept in until 9:00. Jacob was playing with Adam as he peeked out of his bedroom saying, “Boo!” Adam laughed and said, “Like Daddy doos.”After breakfast the boys colored on note cards with markers. They also cut the note cards into pieces. They played at the counter with playdoh for a long time. Adam said he was making a house. He liked pinching the playdoh to make doors. Jacob pretended to be my doctor and used playdoh bandades on my bruised leg. I also had a broken arm that needed a cast. Jacob made a combine tractor and Adam told me he made a snowplow. They pretended to make donuts for each other and for Mommy. Adam said, “Coffee time! Coffee time!” They played with playdoh until lunchtime. After lunch the boys made a house under the table in the kitchen. They pretended to be firemen. As I called 911 to report a fire Jacob said, “Ok, we will be there in 10 minutes!” They took the magnetic clips off the fridge and sat down to trim their toe nails. The boys played with water in the sink while I sorted laundry in the bathroom. Jacob got out the wooden blocks and they had fun playing with them along with the bruder vehicles. I prepared roast, carrots, and potatoes for dinner. The boys took turn helping me peel carrots. We went outside to feed Sammy his grain. The boys also gave him some carrots. It was raining so the boys had a good time using their umbrellas and running thru puddles. They really laughed when I sprayed their umbrellas with the hose water. We came inside to read books and have a snack. Jacob did the hokey pokey song with me and also I’m a little teapot. I tucked Adam in for a nap at 3pm. Jacob rested in his bedroom. He played with his trains and coins. The coins were lined up on his blanket and he told me they were caution cones. After he was done resting he played Curious George games on the computer. He asked me to watch him play so I sat with him. He sure is good at using the mouse and was very proud to show me how well he does at the games. Mom and Dad came over for a visit. They got here shortly before Jared did around 5:30. Mom and I fed Sammy his grain. They stayed and joined us for dinner. The boys wanted to sit at the counter by Nana during dinner. After dinner Dad and Jared played some Wii tennis and then some bowling. Adam asked Nana to come onto my bed and lay by Truman. Adam was coloring with markers at the counter while Mom and I were visiting on the couch. He got down and came over just to give Nana and I a hug. What a sweet boy. As Nana and Papa were going to leave the boys went to the couch to wave. Jacob told Adam, “Lets get our wavers ready!” Mom and Dad left and we went outside to take care of the animals. The boys brought out their umbrellas and had fun splashing in the puddle. We came inside shortly after 8pm. Got the boys out of their wet clothes and into their pj’s. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.


Vikki's Blog said...

Good timing for the boys to get their lol Cute pictures! Love you

uncle dee said...

Love those umbrellas and boots! I could not help but think they need to learn "Singin in the Rain" -- or at least let them watch that part of the movie so they can see Gene Kelly splash in all the puddles. They would love it, wouldn't they?

mom s said...

Very nice pictures. Thank you for the delicious meal. The roast, carrots and potatoes couldn't have been better, Kimmy. I love how Adam came running up to me to give me a hug. Sooooo sweet. I had to take a double take on the picture of us on the bed with Truman. I knew it was Adam, but he sure looks like Jacob in that picture. Cute umbrella pictures and lots of fun I know.

Kimmy said...

We watched Gene Kelly singing that on You Tube this morning. The boys love it. Jacob laughed during it especially when he stood under the gutter, kicked his umbrella up, and splashed in the big puddle. When he went into the road Jacob said, "Watch out for cars!" Adam silently wathced it and at the end said, "Do it gain. Dat funny."