Friday, September 4, 2009

Adam woke up at 8:30 and yelled, “I awake” several times. He peeked in on Jacob who was still asleep. After going potty Adam loves to get his stickers and give Jacob some too. Jacob was sleeping so he set the stickers on his bed. Soon Jacob was awake too. We watched Clifford during breakfast. The boys played with Bruder vehicles and dominos. Then we got out the kitchen stuff and some beans. They had fun scooping beans and preparing meals and drinks. After a long time playing with those they got out their tools. Jacob used a stools to lift up his vehicles for fixing. Adam then did the same. After lunch we sat at the table and did some puzzles. Jacob’s getting good at the puzzles we got from Uncle Dee. I got out the art box and the boys had a good time gluing beans to some paper. I wrote Adam’s name in glue and he helped me put beans on it. Then he decorated it some more. Jacob liked drawing letters with the glue and putting beans on it. After reading with the boys I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob rested in bed while playing with some cars. I did my afternoon run. Then Jacob and I did the puzzles again. While we were working on one he said, "We haven't seen Grandma and Grandpa in awhile. I wanna go there. Please?" Jared got home a little early from work. Adam woke up around 5pm. Jacob had me lay on the bed and the boys pretended to be my doctor. We had spaghetti for dinner. After dinner we went outside. Jared and I worked on cleaning the horse stalls. They were pretty bad. We got two stalls done and the third one is halfway finished. The boys had fun playing in the barn. We came inside around 8:00 and we watched a Clifford video. Adam did great on the potty again today. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:00. Jared and I watched a movie.


Uncle Dee said...

I love the garage scenes -- it looks very much like the garage here at the monastery where the cars are fixed.

I am glad to hear that Jacob is getting good with those puzzles. Those puzzles are very tricky. I am the one that passed them along to you, but remember that they were first worked by Grandpa and Uncle Rick. They were OLD by the time I used them.

mom s said...

Too cute seeing the boys work on their cars. I love it! Glad you captured the poses and posted them. Love ya!

Melissa said...

Love the pictures of them fixing their cars. Very cute!