Thursday, September 17, 2009

As we headed out the door Jacob said, "You can take my picture."

Checking out the opossum.

Fun in the leaves.

Jared is sick and his ears are bothering him so he didn't sleep well last night. The boys woke up just before 8:00. They came on my bed while I finished my last exercise. They sat at the little table to draw even before breakfast. We watched the tractor video. After breakfast Jacob went back to drawing. It was a nice, cool morning (low 40 degrees, it warmed up to 75 today). We took a walk down our road and the boys collected some rocks. Then we walked over to look at the opossum we have in our live trap. While I took care of the horses the boys played in the barn. We then had lots of fun raking leaves and playing in them. The boys liked burying each other and especially liked burying Mommy. Back inside the boys did some drawing, cutting, and gluing. After lunch we played doctor. Then the boys played doctor with their stuffed animals while I dusted, vacuumed, and did some laundry. They also had fun playing with boats and cups in a large tub of water that I put in the kitchen. Around 2:30 we read some books while they ate their snack. They had me read, “Where the Wild Things Are” several times. Jacob played with foam blocks while resting. He told me, “Max my bery best friend. Him loves me.” Jared got home around 5pm. Adam napped until 5:30. The boys played with foam blocks and cars. After dinner Adam asked Daddy to play Mario Kart. I went outside to take care of the animals and also cleaned the chicken coop. The hot air balloon festival is this weekend and the balloons were up tonight. The boys and Daddy came outside to see them. Jacob and Adam had fun running around while I sprayed them with the hose. Jared had class again this evening. We watched a Bob the Builder video. I kept an eye out of the fox though it didn’t show up again tonight. Jared got done with class in time to also tuck the boys in. Adam wanted to be rocked by Daddy too.


Uncle Dee said...

Will the possum be a new pet? Or fox bait?'

Great fall pictures!

Do the boys connect Max in Where the Wild Things Are with their cousin?

The Daddy said...

Surprised mom hasn't been on yet saying "did you get your flu shot yet" Where The Wild Things Are" is also one of my favorite books too

Mom R said...

OK...did you get your flu shot? Daddy and I are covered for another year. Just regular flu at this point. Don't forget to get a flu shot not that you ever listen to me. Well, I don't want to get sick. I'm to old for that. Maybe you are not.

Melissa said...

That's sweet what Jacob said about Max.