Friday, September 11, 2009

Driving to Taco Bell.

Police car and an ambulance

Driving their garbage truck.

Jacob wanted me to take a picture of his people.

It was Jacob turn to pick the video this morning. He chose the tractor video to watch during breakfast. The boys spend much of their time inside playing together and I enjoy watching them interact. They pretended with Little People and also played with dominos and blocks. The dominos box lids were the boats for their people to ride on. I worked on some laundry. It was a beautiful morning and we enjoyed some time outside. Something killed one of our hens this morning. Jacob and I picked the rest of the carrots from our garden and I also picked rhubarb. Jacob is really worried about bees and if he sees one he starts asking to go back inside. Inside I cut up the rhubarb and got it in the freezer. After lunch the boys were playing in their house, under the fishtank. When I asked if I could play too Adam said, "You can sit by me." Jacob said, "I can make a bigger house" and he began working on that. We each had our own rooms with pillows and blankets. Jacob tucked me in bed and patted my back saying, “Sweet dreams. Don’t let the bugs bite.” Adam gave me a kiss and also patted my back. We'd wake up, make our beds, and take a walk "outside". Adam said, “Lets go wimming (swimming)” so we took a couple swims around the house. I got out my sewing kit and the boys wanted to look at my buttons. Then they were pretending to drive their car and Jacob said, “Lets go to Taco Bell.” Adam said, “We going to Taco Bells.” They made a spot for me in (next to) their car. We then played doctor. Jacob was doctoring me and as he went to give me a shot Adam held my leg so I would stop moving it. The boys gave me a shot in both arms and both legs. After they finished my exam Jacob sent me off with medicine and antibiotics and told me to keep my bandages dry. While we were doctoring Jacob he said he had to puke. Adam quickly held the dish by his mouth. As Jacob pretended to puke he said, “I’m pukin up a sock.” Adam loves for us to doctor him and kept saying, "I fell again" as he laid down to be examined. We read books during snacktime. At 2:30 I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob played with playdoh while resting today. I did a 30 min run. Then I played with Jacob and some playdoh. Jacob made our family from his playdoh and I added a bigger baby belly on me. Then Jacob said, "Uh oh the baby's comin out." He wanted me to make a little baby and then he put it with our family. Jared got home around 4:30. Jacob couldn't wait for Adam to wake up and peeked in on him to see if he was up yet. Adam woke up shortly after that. After dinner we all went outside and had a lot of fun playing on the big sand hill. This evening the boys sat at the counter and had a good time cutting and pasting. They were tucked in bed shortly after 9pm.


mom said...

Such a busy fun day. The boys sure have great imaginations. Nice that they include mommy.