Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I was up at 6:00. The boys woke up early but lay quietly in their beds until around 8:00. During breakfast we watched the fire truck video. Then the boys did some drawing with markers. They played a long time with the Little People things and Bruder vehicles. I worked on sewing some things for Mel. The boys played with the stools and pretended they were trucks or a train. After lunch I went back to sewing while the boys played. Then we watched a Baby Einstein video. They ate their snack while I read them some bible stories. I rocked Adam for a while and then tucked him in for a nap around 3:00. Jacob rested while playing with playdoh. He made me many things from the playdoh. I did a 30 min run. Then Jacob asked me to sit by him and watch him draw. We sat at the little table and he drew fields with seeds (see below). He told me that in 10 day's the seeds would, grow, and grow, and grow into apple trees with little red apples. Then he started drawing trees from the seeds and put apples on them. We went outside for a while. It was sprinkling so Jacob enjoyed using his umbrella. Jared got home around 5:30. We picked some peppers from the garden. Adam was awake when we came inside. After dinner the boys played with the automoblox. Then they put the big horse in the toy box, climbed up, and pretended they were driving a motorcycle. Jared went outside around 7:30 to wait for the fox (it didn't come tonight). The boys and I watched Baby Einstein videos until pj time. Jacob was asking to go to sleep so I tucked them in bed around 8:45. They were both asleep within minutes. Jared came inside at 9pm. We went out to lock up the chickens. The young ones roost in the barn and have to be carried to the coop. The white rocks roost high up in the barn so have to be left there. I found only lots of feathers from our third white rock this morning.


Melissa said...

Jacob sure draws some neat drawings. Love the spider web one too that he drew a couple days ago. Very good for only four years old.

Uncle Dee said...

Another nice drawing from Jacob. He is really showing what he knows about the world, isn't he?

And I think you have come across a clever fox, who will not appear whenever the Man with a Gun is around.

mom s said...

Jacob is quite the artist. Nice picture again.