Thursday, September 3, 2009

Adam watching Jacob play the construction game.

I got up to exercise at 6:00. Kate was sleeping under the blankets on our bed. I heard a thump and looked back to see her and all the blankets on the floor. Jacob woke up at 8:30. We soon heard Adam yelling, “I awake!” The boys were excited when I ate breakfast with them at their little table. Jacob ran to get me a stool to sit on. As he put it by the table he said, “I brought you your favorite stool (the one Mel made in therapy).” Usually I sit on the couch and eat a bowl of cereal near them. Jacob was so excited and talked lots during the video. Then we played the construction game on the computer. Adam also had fun playing the fishing game and carrying around the fish in the egg basket. Jacob went to the freezer to get his ice pack. He came to me saying, “You gotta come see this. I found something in there. Its really good! I can’t wait to show you.” He pointed out the fruit Popsicles and asked if he and Adam could have one. They enjoyed several bites but really didn’t eat much of them. Then they got out their banks and played with their coins, cement trucks, and trains. Adam had a train that Jacob really wanted to use for hauling coins. Jacob tried to talk Adam into trading but Adam said no. When Jacob started to cry Adam handed it to him. Then he looked at me and said, “I shared with him.” Jacob sure was happy and said, “Thanks Adam.” We made popcorn on the stove and the boys liked watching it pop thru the glass lid. After lunch we went outside. We had fun kicking the soccer ball. The boys played with some stick and said they were their walking sticks. Jacob liked climbing the tree. We came inside around snack time and read books. At 2:30 I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob rested while drawing with markers at his desk. Then he made a fair ride using big box. It had a door (one side of the box has come undone) and I got to go for many rides in it. Jacob said he was the starter man. He’d take a ticket from me, shut the door, buckle me up, and then ask me if the buckle was too tight. If I said yes he'd loosen it and ask me if I was ready. After my rides he always gave me a bag of "goodies (grapes, pop, suckers, and books)". He put a stick in the box and told me to push it down if I wanted it to spin and pull it up if I wanted it to stop spinning. We sure had fun. Then we played veterinarian and I took care of Jacob’s animals. Jared got home around 5pm. Adam woke up soon after. He wanted to cuddle in our bed for a little while. That was until he heard that Daddy had some m&m’s. Jacob and Adam were quickly by Daddy's side with their hands out. After dinner Jacob and Adam did some drawing with markers. Then they played with dominos, Little People and the Bruder vehicles. I enjoyed listening to the boys have their people talk to each other. Jared had class this evening. Adam used the potty and said, “I want you a tell Daddy I peeing A LOT.” He only had one pee and one poop accident today. And he got 4 stickers on his chart. The boys played in the tub until pj time. They were tucked in bed by 9:30.


LR said...

The outdoor pictures are beautiful. What handsome boys.

mom s said...

I love the picture of Jacob in the tree. I agree with Grandma Russell....what handsome boys!