Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Watching a Baby Einstein video

Around 9:00 we headed into town to the church where I watch the kids. The boys were very excited to go and we had a fun time there. From there we went to the bank, Salvation army, and then meijer. We got home around 3:30. The boys ate a snack as we read books. Then I tucked Adam in for a late nap. We’d got a travel lite brite for $1 at Salvation Army and Jacob played with that while resting. Jared got home from work around 5pm. We surprised him with some new tennis shoes (his old was are ridiculously worn). Jacob helped me make brownies for dessert. He then played with playdoh until dinnertime. We woke Adam up just before dinner was ready. After dinner the boys played with the lite brite for a little while. Then they got out their tools and automoblox. Jared had class this evening. We watched a Baby Einstein video. Just as I was finishing tucking the boys in bed Jared got done with his class. The boys were happy that Daddy could tuck them in too.


mom s said...

Cute pictures of the boys. I bet Jared was happy with the surprise shoes. Sweet family!!!

Melissa said...

Love those last two pictures. Very Cute.