Saturday, September 26, 2009

Boys in the ditch.

Their gate with sticks.

Laughing at Daddy.

Jacob with his new bat and glove.

I got up at 6am to exercise. Jacob came down to our bedroom at 7:30 saying his belly hurt. He lay in our bed by Daddy until I was finished. Adam woke up around 8:00. After breakfast and getting ready for the day we headed to town for our Sat am drinks and donuts. Instead of my usually milk, this morning I got apple cider with my muffin – yummy! We stopped at Salvation Army and also went to a garage sale. The man at the garage sale gave Jacob two bats, a glove, and also let him pick out a ball. Jacob smiled big as he told the man thank-you. As we walked away Jacob said, “That’s a nice man.” Jacob gave Adam one of the bats and we had an extra ball in the van. At home I gave Adam a glove. We had a fun time hitting and catching the ball. Jacob practiced hitting the ball and hit it several times on his own. It was such a nice, cool day and we enjoyed some time outside. We went back inside for lunch at 12:30. I rested on the couch while the boys did some coloring. Then we went back outside. Daddy found a snake in the ditch. The boys had fun playing in the leaves. We went inside at 3pm for a snack. I tucked Adam in for a late nap at 3:30. Jacob continued his coloring. A man came over to look at our Vibe and says he’s very interested. I did a 30 min run. Adam was up by 4:30. We got out the legos to play with. Soon after that we heard/saw Nana and Papa drive up on their motorcycle. The boys were excited to see them. It was sprinkling outside and they were a little damp. Mom was able to dry her shirt and I made some coffee for Dad. We had a nice visit. Jared stacked some legos, after many tries and help from Mom, up to the ceiling. Then the boys knocked it down. My parents stayed for about an hour. After dinner the boys played with legos. They like to build planes to fly around the house. They had fun playing with fishing poles during bathtime. We tucked them in bed by 9pm. Jared and I made popcorn and watch I Love Lucy.


Uncle Dee said...

I am glad that you mentioned Lucy today because I have been thinking to remind you to pack some Lucy when you come to Georgia. I am sure that some of us could watch Lucy while others are playing Boggle and changing diapers.

Kimmy said...

Thanks for the reminder, I'll bring some Lucy with us.

Fantom of Richardson said...

I'm glad to see you found a new use for a coat hanger. Straighten in out and you can run it thru blocks and make a really high stack

Melissa said...

Cute picture of the boys in the ditch.