Monday, September 14, 2009

After breakfast the boys sat at the little table to draw with markers. Jacob folded a piece of paper and said he was going to make a card for Grandpa. Then Adam wanted to make Grandpa a card too so I folded a paper from him to draw on. Jacob also drew some pictures for Nana and Papa. Around 11:00 we headed to my Mom's house. After eating lunch the boys played for a long time with the blocks and matchbox cars. Jacob built an "ambulance house" and parked all the rescue vehicles in it. Adam put his arms up saying, "I want you a build me a house. Big one. Normous (enormous) one." Nana got there shortly after 1:00. She put in a Baby Einstein video per Adam's request. Jared came there from work and we headed to my OB doctor appointment. The boys wanted to stay with Nana. At the appointment we'd waited for about 1 1/2 hrs when they asked if I minded seeing the nurse practioner rather than the doctor. The nurse asked me a few questions and then checked for our baby's heartbeat with the doppler. The HR was 149bpm. We got back to Mom's house at 3:30. Jared went back to work. Mom and the boys had left to pick Kenzie up from school and take her to her dentist where Vikki was meeting them. Mom and the boys were back shortly after 4pm. Jacob was excited to tell me about the castle that Nana built from the large foam blocks. This evening Jared sat outside to wait for the fox. It didn't show up tonight. The boys and I watched the Clifford video.


LRussell said...

Good grief...More fox stories to come. The best one is that the fox is DEAD! Keep the gun loaded. How about keeping it above the storage box by the back door. Ready Freddy!