First house we went to.
Adam acted shy (that didn't last long).
Walking to the next house.
Checking out all their goodies.
Sleepy boys.
We went out for our Sat am drinks and donuts. The boys told the “ATM lady” Happy Halloween and also told her we were going trick of treating today. We stopped at Meijer to get things for making chili. It was around 11:00 when we got home. Most of the afternoon was spent playing with legos. After tucking Adam in for a nap Jared and I made chili. Adam woke up around 4:30. We were heading to Omi’s house by 5:00. Vikki, Kenzie, Mel and her family also met us there. We finished getting the kids dressed in their costumes there. Jacob was a kangaroo and Adam was a zebra. Then there was Kenzie the punk rocker, Hailey the poodle, Max the police officer, and Jack the monkey. Omi gave each of the kids a Halloween goodie bag to put in their bags. Adam acted shy and wanted to stay close to me. He was also shy for the first couple house we went to but that didn't last long. After awhile he'd go running up to the house by himself if the others weren't ready. The weather was cold and windy. The kids all had fun and we enjoyed watching them. It was around 8:00 when we finished trick or treating. On our drive Jacob said, "Mommy, I love Omi." Adam then said, "Me too, I love her." Before going home we stopped at Nana’s house. Nana gave each of the boys goodies bags. Then she surprised me by giving me my Grandma's sewing machine. Its a Brother sewing machine thats only been used a couple times. I can't wait to make some things using it. We changed the boys into their pj’s and they both fell asleep on the drive home.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Posted by Kimmy at 31.10.09 2 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
This morning I was woken up to Kate nudging me with her nose. When I looked at the clock I noticed that it was ~6:15 (the alarm was set for 5:40) so I woke Jared up. He quickly got ready for work and took care of the animals. I started my am exercises. It was a very windy and rainy day. Jacob and Adam slept in until 9:00. We watched Bob the builder during breakfast. After breakfast the boys sat at the counter and colored/drew. I got a call saying that my Grandpa wasn’t doing well (he's in the hospital with pneumonia) and they were moving him into ICU and putting him on a ventalator. Please keep him in your prayers. We got out all the Little People toys and car wash and played with those until lunchtime. After lunch we watched Baby Einstein - Baby Galileo. When they showed a moon with the word moon Jacob went to his bedroom for paper and a marker. Then he spelled the word moon and showed it to me saying, “That says moon.” I did a 30 min run while the boys played with the little soft cars and little people things. They also had fun playing in the car seat box. At 2:30 we had a snack and read some books. I tucked Adam in for his nap at 3pm. Jacob spent a long time playing in his house (the corner area at the top of our bed) with a handful of legos and a garbage truck. He liked when I lay on the bed and played with him. Then he climbed in the car seat box and decorated the inside with markers. Jacob asked me to help him make a school in the kitchen. We tipped some chairs and stools for our school walls. Jacob set up different “Centers” in the school with music toys and dress-up clothes. He pretended to be the teacher and I was the student. First he had me get my lunchbag and follow him to the lunchroom. After eating our lunch we went back to class. Jacob did calender time and the weather. As he went over the calender he say, “Is today Monday (No)? Is today Tuesday(No)?…)" I love how he uses his hands and tries to sound just like his teacher. Once we agreed on the day he pretended to hold up numbers for the dates. Once we got the correct date he told me I was the "Calander helper" and could put the date on the calender. Then he said, “Now kids, what Center are you going to play at today?” After freeplay time he read me a story. Because of the rain we played in the lunchroom. We had a lot of fun and we played thru school days several times. Daddy joined us when he got home from work. We had a couple small pumpkins from Nana's house which Jacob gave to us to decorate with markers. He showed us his pumpkin for an example and said, "Now follow the directions." Adam was awake around 5:30. After dinner we turned out the lights and lite the jack-o-laterns. The boys ran around while playing some music toys. They were warm and took off their shirts. Then we got out the legos and played with those until pj time. Daddy did some Wii Fit exercises and the boys enjoyed watching him do those. We tucked the boys in bed around 9:30. The baby was really moving and kicking a lot. Daddy and Jacob both got to feel his kicks tonight.
Posted by Kimmy at 30.10.09 3 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Daddy's in the box..
Jacob trying out his new car seat.
Daddy trying out Jacob's car seat.
Jacob showing off his pumpkin.
I got up to exercise at 6:00. Both boys woke up around 8:00. We watched a Clifford video. After breakfast the boys sat at the counter and had fun putting stamps on papers. I vacuumed the house and then we got out the legos. It was a beautiful day (high 50's). We went outside for a while. The boys played while I cleaned and vacuumed the van. It was almost time to leave for school when we came back inside. Jacob was really excited about going on his first field trip. He gave both Adam and I a hug and kiss goodbye. We went to the grain elevator to pick up chicken food. Adam loves looking at the catfish there and said, "That fish is got a big mouth. Him bites." We also went to meijer for a few things. Got back home around 2:00. I put away laundry and then made an apple pie. Adam was playing quietly. When I looked over the counter to check on him I found that he was drawing with crayon's on the kitchen floor. He had every square covered the length of our kitchen and 3 tiles wide. He must have took some crayons and crawled back and forth drawing long lines across the floor. After I'd finished cleaning that off it was time to leave and pick Jacob up from school. Jacob talked a lot about his field trip and I really enjoyed hearing about it. They took a walk on the rail trail. First he said, "wow, my feet were really tired." Then he told me many things that were on their list of things to look for. He was also excited about the bridge they walked over. When we got home Jacob showed me the pumpkin he'd decorated at school, his little pumpkin magnet he'd made, and a little bag of goodies. He shared some doritos and mini oreo's with Adam. UPS dropped off Jacob's new car seat. As soon as I pulled it out the boys climbed inside the box. I tucked Adam in for a nap. Then I prepared a meatloaf and peeled potatoes for dinner. Jared was home around 4:30. Adam didn't sleep for very long. The boys had a great time playing with the car seat box. Daddy loves the smell of cardboard and it brought back great memories for him. After dinner we took a drive to try out the new car seat. Jacob loves it, especially the drink holders and armrests. He kept saying, "This is so comfy. I really like my new seat" and he didn't want to go back home. Jared had class this evening. The boys enjoyed ice cream cones and we watched a Baby Einstein video. I lite the jack-o-latern's and we turned out the lights. The boys had fun running around the room in the dark. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.
Posted by Kimmy at 29.10.09 13 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I woke the boys at 8:30 and we were heading to church by 9:00. We had a fun time there. Before taking Jacob to school we stopped at Tim Horton's. As we leave Jacob's school Adam usually says, "Goodbye Jacob. Have fun at school." Adam ate a packed lunch in the van as we drove. We went to the dollar store for packing tape and then to the UPS store to ship a package. Then we headed over to meijer for some groceries. We got to Jacob's school a little early so we watched him playing outside on "the castle." He and Nick were running around, climbing, and sliding. Jacob said that some kids weren't helping clean up so he sang the clean up song so they'd know it was clean up time. He always tells me about the story they read and songs they sang. At home I rocked Adam and then tucked him in for a nap. Jacob sat at the little table and drew with markers. Jared got home around 5:30. Adam woke up just before dinner. Jared had class this evening. We got out the legos to play with. Both boys were acting very tired this evening. I let Adam lay in Jacob's bed for a little while before tucking him in his crib. They were both very excited about this. I loved listening to them giggle and chat with each other.
Posted by Kimmy at 28.10.09 1 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Posted by Kimmy at 27.10.09 2 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
The boys were up around 8:30. We watched Clifford during breakfast. After breakfast the boys got out the Lincoln logs to build with. Then we got out the puzzles and put those together several times. I kept an eye out for the fox but never saw it. Shortly after noon we took Jacob to school. At home Adam and I played for a little while and then I rocked him. He was very tired and I tucked him in for a nap around 1:30. While he was napping I did my afternoon run and then just relaxed for a while. Vikki called to say she’d won 4 Sesame Street Live tickets. We’ll be in GA during it so she gave the tickets to Mel and her family. Kenzie called and I talked to her for a little while. She said she came home early from school cause she’s sick. I woke up Adam just before leaving to pick Jacob up from school. He fell back asleep in the van. Jacob was excited to tell me that there are 3 more sleep til his first field trip and 5 more sleeps until Halloween. He also told me what some of the kids in his class were going to dress up for on Halloween. The boys played together with their matchbox cars for a while. Jared got home around 5:30. During dinner Jacob taught us the "Five little apples" saying that he'd learned in school. He says it so cute. Then he sang the days of the week song. Adam started singing "Sunday, Sunday, Sunday..." over and over. Jacob tried to teach him the days of the week but Adam just wanted to say Sunday. After dinner we got out the puzzles and had a good time doing those with the boys. Jared was timing himself with one of the puzzles to see how fast he could put it together. We watched some Lucy episodes. As Jacob was getting dressed in his pj’s he said, “That was not a good Lucy.” When I asked why he said, “Cause her went to the sino (casino) when Ricky said not to.” The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9:00. Jacob came out after a little while and said, "There's a scary sound in my bedroom, like psshhh." I went in the room to see where the sound was coming from and realized it was the sound of rain coming from his window.
Posted by Kimmy at 26.10.09 2 comments