Friday, October 30, 2009

This morning I was woken up to Kate nudging me with her nose. When I looked at the clock I noticed that it was ~6:15 (the alarm was set for 5:40) so I woke Jared up. He quickly got ready for work and took care of the animals. I started my am exercises. It was a very windy and rainy day. Jacob and Adam slept in until 9:00. We watched Bob the builder during breakfast. After breakfast the boys sat at the counter and colored/drew. I got a call saying that my Grandpa wasn’t doing well (he's in the hospital with pneumonia) and they were moving him into ICU and putting him on a ventalator. Please keep him in your prayers. We got out all the Little People toys and car wash and played with those until lunchtime. After lunch we watched Baby Einstein - Baby Galileo. When they showed a moon with the word moon Jacob went to his bedroom for paper and a marker. Then he spelled the word moon and showed it to me saying, “That says moon.” I did a 30 min run while the boys played with the little soft cars and little people things. They also had fun playing in the car seat box. At 2:30 we had a snack and read some books. I tucked Adam in for his nap at 3pm. Jacob spent a long time playing in his house (the corner area at the top of our bed) with a handful of legos and a garbage truck. He liked when I lay on the bed and played with him. Then he climbed in the car seat box and decorated the inside with markers. Jacob asked me to help him make a school in the kitchen. We tipped some chairs and stools for our school walls. Jacob set up different “Centers” in the school with music toys and dress-up clothes. He pretended to be the teacher and I was the student. First he had me get my lunchbag and follow him to the lunchroom. After eating our lunch we went back to class. Jacob did calender time and the weather. As he went over the calender he say, “Is today Monday (No)? Is today Tuesday(No)?…)" I love how he uses his hands and tries to sound just like his teacher. Once we agreed on the day he pretended to hold up numbers for the dates. Once we got the correct date he told me I was the "Calander helper" and could put the date on the calender. Then he said, “Now kids, what Center are you going to play at today?” After freeplay time he read me a story. Because of the rain we played in the lunchroom. We had a lot of fun and we played thru school days several times. Daddy joined us when he got home from work. We had a couple small pumpkins from Nana's house which Jacob gave to us to decorate with markers. He showed us his pumpkin for an example and said, "Now follow the directions." Adam was awake around 5:30. After dinner we turned out the lights and lite the jack-o-laterns. The boys ran around while playing some music toys. They were warm and took off their shirts. Then we got out the legos and played with those until pj time. Daddy did some Wii Fit exercises and the boys enjoyed watching him do those. We tucked the boys in bed around 9:30. The baby was really moving and kicking a lot. Daddy and Jacob both got to feel his kicks tonight.


Uncle Dee said...

Well, Kimmy, there is no need for you to describe what goes on in Jacob's school -- he did it for us, by role playing. It sounds as if he has a great time at school. (And at home playing school. Were his students well-behaved? Did they follow directions carefully when they decorated their pumpkins?)

mom s said...

Pretty good how Jacob wrote the word moon and told you that's what it was. He's a smartie alright.
I love how he had you play school with him. He sure knows all the details. Cute pictures. I like the top two and also the one with Adam resting his chin on his hands. Such a cute boy.

Melissa said...

Loved hearing about Jacob playing school with you. He told you every single detail by acting it all out. I really enjoyed reading about it.