Friday, October 2, 2009

"Mommy, I have a baby in my belly."

Today was a cold and rainy day. I got up at 6:00 to exercise. Adam was up around 8:00. He kept checking on Jacob to see if he was awake yet. Jacob slept in until almost 9am. We watched Clifford during breakfast. After breakfast the boys sat at the counter and played with playdoh. They had me make them lots of playdoh bricks. Then we got out the mega blocks to build with. After awhile Jacob started putting them all away saying he wanted to get something else out. We had fun building with Lincoln logs until lunchtime. After lunch we went back to playing with the Lincoln logs and some matchbox cars. Then we watched a Raffi concert video. The boys had a good time playing instruments with the music. Jacob especially liked drumming. After a snack and reading I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob rested while drawing and then got out the foam blocks to play with. I did my afternoon run and then went in the bedroom to play with Jacob. Jared got home around 4:45 and Adam woke up soon after that. The boys played with playdoh until dinnertime. Jared played some Wii Sports. After dinner Jared and I played several games of Wii Bowling. The boys played with their cars on the play mats. They also liked watching us bowl. Jacob and Adam liked when I hold their feet so they can wheelbarrel across the floor. I then held Daddy’s legs while he went really fast across the room and then down the hallway. The boys ran after us laughing really hard. Then we held their feet as they raced a couple times to touch their chairs. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:15.

Yesterday I showed Jacob how to spell Dad. Today I found this on his desk.

This evening he asked me to teach him how to spell Papa


Melissa said...

Funny pcitures of the boys pretending to have babies in their bellies.

Grandma R said...

It would appear that Jacob is getting ready to learn how to read. It's not far away. Smart boy for sure. How about learning how to write grandma? Now that would really be exciting.

Grandma R again said...

One more thing...I'm noticing long sleeves and the report of frost. It's cooling down in Michigan. I'd love to turn on the furnace but know that I still have a choice of not doing that.

Uncle Dee said...

Jacob is turning into a wonderful writer. I'll bet he has quite a few books that he knows to read by heart.

mom s said...

Don't forget to teach him to spell nana...He is writing very well.
I'm anxious to see how he likes his first day in school.

Melissa said...

Hailey just got on and was looking through the pictures from the last few days. When she came to the ones of Jacob and Adam pretending to have a baby in their bellies, she started cracking up laughing. She thought that was the funniest thing.

Kimmy said...

Mel, thats funny!

Vikki's Blog said...

Wow Good job Jacob, now spell Vikki...its really easy...hehe!!!