Sunday, October 25, 2009

Steam roller.

Pumpkin carving.

"Lots and lots and lots."

Jacob and Adam were up just before 8:00. Adam ran and woke Daddy up. After breakfast I was looking out the window and saw a fox in the paddock. We don’t have a gun so we watched it for a while, using the binoculars to get a closer look. The boys stood on chairs by the window so they could see it too. After a while it wandered out of site in the paddock. The boys played with Lincoln logs this morning. I looked out the window and again saw the fox and watched it until it wasn’t visible. About an hour later we watched it walk thru the paddocks and into the outdoor arena. It was running around acting like a playful puppy. That’s the last we saw of it. We didn't go to church because of my cold, which is better today. After lunch I did my afternoon run. The boys had fun playing with Daddy. They sat on his lap and pretending to go on many wild sled ride. Around 1:30 we headed over to my parents house to get my dads guns. On the way there we stopped at Tim Horton’s and Jacks. My parents weren't there yet so we went to Dicks Sporting Goods and BabiesRUs. As soon as Adam saw Nana he said, “I wanna watch Einstein.” She put in his favorite Einstein video. Jared and Dad played some pingpong. We got home just before 5pm. Jared sat out and watched for the fox until 6:30. The boys and I watched Cars. They also did some coloring/drawing with markers. This evening we carved pumpkins. Jacob really enjoyed scooping out seeds. Adam scooped some but then wanted to go play. The boys had fun choosing shapes for the eyes/nose and how many teeth their pumpkin should have. When Daddy asked Adam how many teeth he put his arms up saying, “Lots and lots and lots.” Jacob liked putting the cut pieces of his pumpkin back in. Adam took all his cut pieces and put them inside the pumpkin. The boys were sure excited when we lit the candles and turned out the lights. We baked the seeds. Jacob and Adam got a quick bath before pj time. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.


mom s said...

Nice pumpkin carving pictures. Did you bake the seeds? Fun for the boys. I love the smiling faces, mommy's and daddy's too.

Grandma R for sure said...

Five little pumpkins sitting on a fence...the first one said Oh, my it's getting late...the second one said there are witches in the air...the third one said...oh, I don't care. The fourth one said I'm waiting for some fun...the fifth one said, let's run and run and run...then...swish went the wind and out went the light and five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Now use your fingers to say that little story. When you say SWISH...move your hands back and forth...When you say OUT...make a big clap...when you say rolled...make your hands roll over each other. The pumpkins are wonderful. Have fun with the finger play. That little rhyme just popped into my head when I saw the pumpkins. Love you all.

Melissa said...

Cute pumkins. We just carved ours today. Love seeing the spider jammies on Adam. They were Max's favorite. Wonder if he would remember. I'll have to show him the picture and see.