Monday, October 26, 2009

The boys were up around 8:30. We watched Clifford during breakfast. After breakfast the boys got out the Lincoln logs to build with. Then we got out the puzzles and put those together several times. I kept an eye out for the fox but never saw it. Shortly after noon we took Jacob to school. At home Adam and I played for a little while and then I rocked him. He was very tired and I tucked him in for a nap around 1:30. While he was napping I did my afternoon run and then just relaxed for a while. Vikki called to say she’d won 4 Sesame Street Live tickets. We’ll be in GA during it so she gave the tickets to Mel and her family. Kenzie called and I talked to her for a little while. She said she came home early from school cause she’s sick. I woke up Adam just before leaving to pick Jacob up from school. He fell back asleep in the van. Jacob was excited to tell me that there are 3 more sleep til his first field trip and 5 more sleeps until Halloween. He also told me what some of the kids in his class were going to dress up for on Halloween. The boys played together with their matchbox cars for a while. Jared got home around 5:30. During dinner Jacob taught us the "Five little apples" saying that he'd learned in school. He says it so cute. Then he sang the days of the week song. Adam started singing "Sunday, Sunday, Sunday..." over and over. Jacob tried to teach him the days of the week but Adam just wanted to say Sunday. After dinner we got out the puzzles and had a good time doing those with the boys. Jared was timing himself with one of the puzzles to see how fast he could put it together. We watched some Lucy episodes. As Jacob was getting dressed in his pj’s he said, “That was not a good Lucy.” When I asked why he said, “Cause her went to the sino (casino) when Ricky said not to.” The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9:00. Jacob came out after a little while and said, "There's a scary sound in my bedroom, like psshhh." I went in the room to see where the sound was coming from and realized it was the sound of rain coming from his window.


L Russell said...

Did you add the pumpkin poem...Jacob can teach the school children.

Kimmy said...

Yes, they enjoyed that one too:)