Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Daddy left the boys a surprise on the counter (a note and M&Ms)

Holding back a smile.

Enjoying goodies before breakfast.

Jacob, ready for his first day of preschool.

Jacob doing his "homework"

I got up at 6:00 to exercise. Adam was awake around 8:00. Jacob woke up around 8:30 and was very excited about school today. The boys were happy to find notes and m&ms from Daddy on the counter. During breakfast we watched the tractor video. Then the boys played with dominos and matchbox cars. They also did some drawing with markers. Mom got here shortly before noon. She is watching Adam while I take Jacob to his first day of preschool. School started at 12:30. The teacher introduced herself and then had the kids get their lunches (if packed) and line up. We all walked down to the lunchroom. Jacob talked some with the girl sitting across from him at the lunch table. Back in class the kids sat on the rug for “Circle Time.” Here the teacher talked about the calendar and had the kids help count to figure out the next number to place on it. Then she had the kids look out the window and help her with the weather chart. They also sang a couple songs. Then teacher then showed the kids the different “Centers” they could play at during free playtime. Jacob played first at the sand table. He filled a basket with sand and planted some flowers. Then he pushed them my way saying they were for me. The kids played for a long time while the teacher took them one at a time to choose their name tags to be placed in areas around the room. The teacher turned off the lights and announced to the kids that in five minutes it was going to be time to clean up – she set the timer. After cleaning up the kids had a snack and then it was story time. After a story they got on their coats and lined up to go outside. Once outside Jacob raced with the rest of the kids to the playground. He had fun playing in the sand and running around with the other kids. It was close to 3:45 (leaving time) when we came back inside. As I buckled Jacob in his seat he said, “I really like school. Whew, that was a busy day.” On the drive home he told me that at home he was going to highlight his homework (papers in his bag.) Daddy was home when we got there. Jacob showed Nana and Daddy all the papers in his bag as he spread them on the floor. Nana soon headed home. Adam woke up around 4:30. Jacob worked on "homework." We watched the Cars dvd until dinnertime. Jared left to go out for dinner with some coworkers. Adam didn’t want to eat dinner again tonight but choose to sit on the couch instead. After dinner the boys did some painting. Grandma called and talked to Jacob. After I’d hung up with her Jacob said he wanted to call her back and tell her one more thing. He told her he wanted her to come to our house. When I told him that we’d see her next month in GA he said, “I remember that bunk bed.” After Jared came home he went outside to check on the animals. He then came back inside and told me to look out the kitchen window. I saw our two loose horses munching on grass. Jacob held a paper over his face saying it was his welding mask as he pretended to weld. He asked me to help him build a skyscraper. He placed a couch pillow in the four corners and we began working. After it was finished we went inside and rode the elevator (couch) to the top. The boys were tucked in bed by 9:30. Jared is studying for tomorrow’s exam.


Uncle Dee said...

Why was there no picture of Mommy in tears as her first (OK -- her second, after Jared) boy walked into school?

The day sounds terrific. Calendar time -- ah, how many times have I watched calendar time in classrooms in Georgia? That was one of the first activities our college students would take over in their host classrooms. So many skills can be highlighted and developed during Calendar Time!

And I am glad that there is free play. It sounds as if they will be placing their name cards near the area where they will be playing. That is a helpful way to limit the number of kids in an area and a good way to help them think about their choices.

Does this sound like a former educator? It just doesn't wash away, does it?

As an uncle, I am happy that Jacob had such a good first day and I am glad that his mother posted such good pictures.

The Daddy said...

Now Jacob and Jared can do their homework together.

Mom R said...

Woow...No tears for Kimmy (maybe) but that picture of Jacob walking down the hall really was a bell ringer for me...My first grandbaby is now a grown up kid ready to greet the world without his parents. That's a huge marker. I loved talking to Jacob these past two day. We need to do more of that.

Aunt Missy said...

Jacob, you are getting so big. Already going to school. And doing homework :-) You're school looks like lots of fun. I love you!

Melissa said...

Good idea to use egg cartons for paints.

nana said...

Jacob I'm so glad you like school and did so well. I loved seeing you pull out all of your homework and being so excited about it. You are a very good boy! I love you!