Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The boys were up around 8am. We watched Bob the builder during breakfast. I spent much of the morning cutting up apples. The boys played on the kitchen floor with dominos, cars, and the cash register. Papa came over and brought donuts for the boys. At school Jacob wanted to show me the pattern block/board set that he's told us about. After I told him goodbye he said, “Can I have a hug.” I gave him a hug and then he smacked his lips wanting a kiss too. Adam ate a packed lunch on the drive home. When we got home Adam asked to play with the speed and go racetrack and playskool cars. We had a fun time playing together with those. While I did my afternoon run Adam enjoyed showing me his moves as he jumped on my bed. He was very entertaining. Before jumping he'd say, “You wanna see the monkey (Clifford, ogre…) one?” Then he’s push a “button” and say, “On your mark, get set, go!” After school Jacob said, “I’m really gonna miss Nick.” He told me he played with the pattern set, chains, tools, and buttons. He said there were lots of buttons that he organized into color groups. As we left he gave the teaching assistant a hug goodbye. When we got home we read a book and I tucked Adam in for a late nap. Then Jacob helped me make an apple pie. He liked pinching the crust and playing with flour. Jared got home around 5pm. Adam woke up just before dinnertime. After dinner the boys sat at the counter playing with flour and cars. We watched several I Love Lucy episodes. This evening Adam kept saying goodnight and going to lye down in Jacob’s bed. Then he’d yell, “I awake” and come walking back out of the room. The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9pm.


mom s said...

Nick must be a friend at school. Nice he is making friends so fast.
Adam can be very entertaining I see. Such sweet boys.

Kimmy said...

Yes, and Nick is also our neighbor. His house is just across the road from our goat/sheep paddock. Spencer and Nick are the two friends he talks about from school.