Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"I don't want this piece."

I got up to do my exercises at 6:00. The boys woke up shortly after 8:00. We got out the puppets and had fun putting on puppet shows. Lately Jacob likes to take off a sock in the van so he can put on a puppet show for Adam. During breakfast we watched a Raffi video. Around 10:30 we went outside. The boys had fun playing on the slide and helping me in the garden. I picked veggies. While I was picking green beans I saw a snake. We picked some carrots and fed the horses. Close to noon we came inside for lunch. The boys were pretending that the blowing tag on the chair blanket was a ghost. They were saying, “Oh no! A Ghost! While laughing really hard then Adam would say, “No its just a tag.” They also were pretending their was "hot lava" in the hallway. Jacob said they had to get on their protective gear and goggles to fix the pipes and stop the lava. After lunch we got out the markers, paper, scissors, and glue. We had fun with those at the table until snack time. After their snack we read some books. One of their favorite books right now is “Lama lama red pajama.” Adam napped and Jacob lay down also. I did a 30 min run. Jacob and I lay down together until around 4pm. He put on another puppet show for me. Jared came home just before 5pm. Jacob played at the counter with flour and some cars. When Adam woke up he also played with flour and cars until dinner was ready. After dinner we headed over to the county fair. First we walked around some of the barns. Then we went in the merchant s and the 4H buildings. We got some cotton candy. Jacob loved it but Adam did not. He’d pick off pieces saying, “I don’t want this piece.” An electrical wire caught on fire about the auction building. There were sparks liked fireworks. Something was on fire on top of the metal roof. Soon the firemen were there. The boys liked seeing the fire truck. We got home at 9:30. The boys had fun running around with their balloons. They were tucked in bed by 10pm.


Grandma R said...

White flour on tan boys. Looks pretty healthy to me. I'm a bit curious about how you got the idea of playing with flour. It's good clean play I could say. The fair sounds like fun.

Kimmy said...

They have so much fun with flour when we baked and now request it even when not baking. Its really fun to play with and easy to clean up.

Melissa said...

Max loves playing with flour now too. He requests it every once in awhile. It's fun to play with tractors in. Love to get such fun ideas from reading your blog.