Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I got up at 6:00 and the boys were up at 8:00. We went outside to feed Sammy some grain. The boys wanted to go in the puddle so we went inside to put their water boots on. Jacob liked finding rocks in the puddle. Adam stuck his head in the puddle and then knelt down in it. As he splashed he said, “I’m splashin in the mud puddle.” Jacob said he didn’t want to get the stickers on his shirt wet. We brought some rocks in the house for the boys to paint later. After breakfast Jacob helped me build a house with the playmat’s. Adam played with the bowling pins. Around 10:30 we headed over to a school near us and the boys had fun playing on their playground. Then we got out the bikes so they could ride around in the basketball area. They especially loved riding thru the puddles. Adam did really good pedaling on his bike but sometime would say, “I need a push, then let me go.” Jacob rode round and round but sometimes would have to stop saying he blew a tire on a rock. After some time there we headed over to Jacob’s preschool. Jacob liked seeing their playground and we played there for a little while. We got home around 12:30. After lunch the boys had a great time painting. They painted their rocks and also painted on some paper. Adam kept asking for more blue paint saying, “Blue my fabbit (favorite).” Adam put some paint on each of his rocks but mostly enjoyed painting on paper. Jacob painted his rocks very carefully. I then gave Adam some finger paint and he had fun with that. After cleaning Adam up he went into Jacob bedroom but soon came out saying, “I peeing. I peed in Jacob’s room.” I had him go sit on the potty and as he ran to it he said, “I can do it.” There was only a little pee on the floor and as I was cleaning it up Adam ran to me saying, “I all done.” I looked in his potty and he had peed in it. He was very excited to get his stickers (one for the chart and the other for him). Then he ran back to the potty saying, “I wann do that again.” Around 3:30 we read books and then I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob rested while playing with foam blocks and his trucks. I did a 30 min run. Jacob sent me mail (his drawings) under his bedroom door. Then I sent notes and drawings back to him. Jared got home around 5pm. Jacob played with playdoh until dinner was ready. Adam woke up around 5:30 and also played with playdoh. We had some corn on the cob from our garden with our dinner this evening. It was very good. Shortly after dinner I had Adam sit on the potty. He asked me to go in another room. I peeked at him as he sat there on the potty, looking at his book. He stood up, looked in the potty, and said, “I peed!” The boys played with the cash register. Adam started peeing and came to me saying, “I peeing.” He finished on the potty. This evening he used the potty a few more time and didn’t have any more accidents. We all went outside and watched Daddy change the oil on the Vibe. He found a salamander and gave it to the boys. Jacob put it in a bucket and they took turns carrying it. They sure enjoyed watching what Daddy was doing on the car. Then they picked apples and fed them to the horses. As they picked Adam said, “I a farmer.” Jacob picked some carrots and fed them to the horses. Adam put cut grass in the wheel barrel and as he pushed it around he said, “I a hay baler.” It was pj time when we came back inside. After the boys were in their pj's we had fun playing in the dark in Adam's bedroom for a little while. We sure got lots of giggles from the boys. Jacob is getting good at singing the song, “I’ve been working on the railroad” with me. Adam sings some parts in the song too.


LRuss said...

The garden is beautiful. Wow...I'm impressed big time. Kimmy...I think Jacob will be the teacher in pre-school. Wow...sissors, paint, finger paint, glue. He does it all very well. Adam continues to make me laugh. What a water guy.

LRussell again said...

I should have added...finger paint and clean shirts. How does that go together? It never happened for me. Is there a magic trick like clean shirts before the camera goes off? The bicycle videos are wonderful. Thank you thank you. Your days are full and fuller. North Church folks are working with school 43 which is near by the church. The word this morning was that Kindergarden teachers needs helpers working with children who don't know their colors. That's very sad children news. The pre-school stories will be lots of fun to hear.

The Daddy said...

Jacob should have told daddy the tire was only flat on one side

uncle dee said...

Pre-school? When does he start that adventure? And I believe that Grandma is right (as usual) -- Jacob will be teaching other children what to do.

He may even demonstrate how his brother puts his head in the water.

Kimmy said...

Due to State funding issues it looks like preschool won't be starting until probably Oct 5th.

Melissa said...

Love the picture of Adam sticking his head in the puddle. He's so funny.

mom s said...

The boys sure do love the puddles. Great pictures. I love hearing all the things they say. Such smart boys and so sweet.