Sunday, August 23, 2009

Adam's bicycle.

Kenzie set this up while the boys were in the tub.

I got up at 6:00. Soon after I finished exercising I heard Adam yelling, “I awake! I awake!” He crawled in our bed to wake up Daddy. We woke Jacob up at 8:45. Then we hurried to get ready for church and made it there early. After church we stopped at meijer for a few things. Jacob was excited to make the quick run in the store with me. He carried the wet wipes and helped me at the check out with scanning and bagging the items. We got home shortly after 11:00. We had pizza for lunch. After lunch Jared went outside to mow the lawn. The boys and I went out and picked veggies from the garden. Jacob loved helping me pick carrots. Adam picked some carrots too. The boys played in the fort and the sand box. Then they helped me pick up things like toys and the garden hose from the yard so Jared could mow without stopping. They sat in the front seat of the van and car as we backed those up too. Then I moved the flowerpots out of the way. One of the pots tipped over and a swarm of bees came out. They were mad and one stung my hand – ouch! It still hurt bad even as I type this. Jacob kept saying, “Poor Mommy, Awh.” We went inside around 1:30. Adam asked me to lay down on the couch and Jacob went to get a bandade from the bathroom cupboard. He opened it and put the bandade over the sting. Adam gave me kisses. What sweet boys I have. The boys made a house under the kitchen counter. That’s where they ate their snack and we also read books in there. I lay Adam down for a nap at 2:30. Jacob rested while playing with some playdoh. I did a 30 min run. Vikki and Kenzie came over for a visit. Vikki had went to some garage sales and found a really nice bike for Adam, which we got for only $5. She also found a nice exercise mat and a laundry basket for me. While we were in Copper Harbor she found a bowling set for the boys. She also bought the boys some semi trucks. There are also some playmat pieces that’s she got for $1, which will go in my Mom’s basement. The kids had a great time playing with those. Kenzie and Uncle Jared raced as they played Mario Kart. When Adam woke up he had fun playing with all the new things too. They had a great time bowling down the hallway. We had to set the timer so the boys could take turns playing with the new laundry basket(boat or turtle shell). We ate chili for dinner. After dinner Kenzie and Uncle Jared went back to playing Mario Kart. Daddy helped Jacob drive too. We built a house out of the playmat pieces. The boys were really excited to sit in it. Kenzie is spending the night. Vikki left around 7:30. We went outside for a little while. Kenzie braided Sammy’s mane. Jared sprayed the bee nest which was in the ground under where the pot was. We came inside and Kenzie helped build a box from the playmat pieces. They had fun hiding under it. While the boys were taking a bath Kenzie made a house and had it all set up for reading. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. While I was running I heard Adam yelling. He said, “There’s a bee on my head!”


Grandma R said...

Humm...Box...How about sleeping in the box. I wonder why I remembered that? Great looking bike Adam. Russell grandsons are the best no matter where they live.

Melissa said...

That is an awesome bike. Love the color and it looks like new.

Vikki's Blog said...

I love that pic of me and the kids looking at the book and laughing, i expecially love Adams expression!