Monday, August 31, 2009

I got up at 6:00. Adam slept in until 9am. He said, "Jacob's awake." I let him know he was still asleep so he quietly went in to check on him. Then he and I cuddled for awhile. He talked to me about his time outside with Nana and Papa. Jacob woke up at 9:30. We ate breakfast and watched the Clifford movie that we'd rented. Jacob really enjoyed the movie. Adam enjoyed it too but also played during it. We went outside and I picked some veggies from the garden. Then I cut up beans while sitting in the fort with the boys. Then the boys pretended I was a car as I sat with my knees bent. When the car broke down, they’d lift my arms (the hood) and fix the engine (under my legs). We came inside for lunch. After lunch the boys sat at the counter and drew with markers. They also cut and glued papers. I blanched the green beans and got those in the freezer. At 2:30 we read books and I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob also lay quietly in bed for an hour. I did a 1 hr run. Then Jacob and I played the construction computer game. We played that until Jared got home around 5:30. Adam woke up just before he got here. We all went outside on the deck for a little while. After dinner we headed over to a nearby school. The boys had a great time riding bikes and playing on the playground. We got home at 8:30. Adam got 3 stickers on his chart today (he had 2 pee accidents but also had diarrhea today). The boys were tucked in bed shortly after 9pm.