Thursday, August 13, 2009

I got up at 6am. Jacob woke up around 8:00. Adam and Kenzie slept until 9am. Adam looked out the window for the fox and said, “Maybe him sleeping in the coop, with the chickens.” Kenzie made pancakes for breakfast. We went outside for a little while and let the chickens out of their coop. Kenzie played some Mario Kart. Then she pretended to be a dog that Jacob took care of. Adam played with the cash register for a little while. Then we got out the doctor kits and played doctor. Adam cracks me up as he looks in my eyes and ears. He gets so close as he looks thru the tool and is really serious. After lunch we went outside. The kids had lots of fun playing in the little pool. They also chased each other with the hose. We put the slide in the pool and they also enjoyed going down that. We went inside shortly after 2pm for a snack. I tucked Adam in for a nap at 3pm. Kenzie played some Mario Kart. Jacob played with his dominos and Bruder vehicles while he rested. I did a 30 min run. Then Kenzie, Jacob, and I played Clue hide and seek. Truman puked up some underware and socks that he’d swallowed on our trip up North. Adam woke up shortly after Jared got home from work. After dinner Kenzie worked on building a marble maze. We went outside to collect eggs. Then the kids wanted to pet the goats and sheep so we went in with them. Kenzie found a stash of eggs in the hay. Jacob and Adam had fun climbing in the hay with Kenzie. Kenzie caught a chicken and brought it in the house for a little while. Adam played doctor with Daddy and Truman. The boys watched Kenzie play Mario Kart until bedtime. After tucking the boys in bed Uncle Jared and Kenzie played Mario Kart.


mom s said...

Much fun in the pool I see. The top picture of Jacob looks like a picture of Jared when he was little that is on your wedding video. I am amazed at the resemblence.

Melissa said...

Wow, he reallly does look like Jared in that picture.