Friday, August 21, 2009

I got up at 6:00. Around 9:00 Adam yelled from his bedroom saying, “I awake! I awake!” When I walked in his bedroom he said, “I not climbin out my bed.” Adam went in to check on Jacob several times and soon he woke up too. The boys did some drawing with markers before eating breakfast. Jacob drew a people wearing a “John Deere (green)” shirt. After breakfast we watched the Raffi video. We went outside this morning. It was cool and windy. We stayed out for a little while but then Jacob wanted to come back in saying, “I think there’s gonna be a tornado.” We got out the blocks to build with. After lunch we went down into the crawlspace so I could look for some things. The boys like playing in the sand down there. Then I worked on folding and putting away laundry. Jacob folded all my dishtowels and washcloths. He loves to help me with the laundry. Adam had me wet a washcloth so he could wash his dump truck. Jacob said he was camping and showed me his truck and camper (tractor and cart) that had blocks by each tire. He said, “Mr Sinkin works at the camping place. He cuts hair.” Then he told me it was expensive and cost $1600 for a haircut. Around 2:30 we read book. I lay Adam down for a nap. It took him a while to fall asleep. He kept yelling, “I not tired! I not tired!” Jacob played with playdoh. He made some cars and showed me the brakes and "air blowing things" in one of them. Then he showed me a cute little purse saying, “I made a purse. It’s for you. Open it up. There’s money inside.” I opened the tiny purse to find some little pieces of money. He also made tall nests with eggs, Easter baskets with Easter eggs, a boat, and several more things. The playdoh kept him busy until dinnertime. I made a dog and a doghouse. He made some dishes and put food in one and water in the other. We put the dog (with a lifejacket) and people in a canoe to go for a ride. Jared got home around 4pm. We woke Adam for dinner. After dinner we went to town and walk around at the fair. It was a nice, cool evening. We drove to a couple car dealerships before going home. It was ~9:30 when we got home. Jacob had fell asleep in the van and continued sleeping in bed. The boys favorite song for me to sing right now is “I’ve been working on the railroad.” Adam asked me to sing “Railroad” at bedtime. He cuddled for a while in the rocking chair with Daddy.